LOVELY LADIES SUPPORT GROUP starts today!! 8/18/09



  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    lvnascar - keep up the great work! :smile: 2lbs is super!
    Erin - 1 inch on your waist is crazy!! Hello smaller size jeans!! :wink:
    Jenn- cheers to 1lb! :drinker: I'm in the 1lb club this week too & it feels great. you doing the C25K?

    Everybody is doing so good! :love:
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    lvnascar - keep up the great work! :smile: 2lbs is super!
    Erin - 1 inch on your waist is crazy!! Hello smaller size jeans!! :wink:
    Jenn- cheers to 1lb! :drinker: I'm in the 1lb club this week too & it feels great. you doing the C25K?

    Everybody is doing so good! :love:

    If every week is a pound I'm thrilled :) cheers to you too javascript:add_smiley('drinker','post_body')

    I am doing the C25K - on week 4 now, 5 minutes seems like forever to run, but I'm doing it!!!!
  • leshawnturner
    Hey ladies!!!!

    I joined a gym yestereday!!!! It's not a big fancy gym, but it has a track, treadmills, bikes, and weights. What's better is the price, it is only $40/year for my whole family!!!!! The gym is a part of a church and their indiv membership is $5 a month. So I was able to get a workout in yesterday, yeah me!!!! I won't get a good one in today because I have a late meeting at work today, but hopefully I can get in something. My calories were great yesterday!! I'm hoping to lose 1 dress size by Oct. 17th for my best friend's wedding so I'll keep you posted on my progress.

    I hope everyone has a great week!!!!
  • 8turboturtle8
    8turboturtle8 Posts: 239 Member
    Everyone is doing so wonderful!!! Congrats to you all!

    I am up like .4, but it so could have been worse! Time to re-focus and get back to planning and structure.

    Keep it up ladies!
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    Checking in, down 1/2 pound from last week, yeah! Slowly but surely:tongue:

    Guess I never gave my history. I am 36 years old and have 3 boys, 9, 5 and 3. I work p/t as a medical transcriptionist so am on my seat for awhile everyday. This gives me motivation to get up and moving!
    I want to lose about 10 pounds and doing it real slow so I don't crash and burn, want to lose about 1/2 pound a week.

    Way to go everyone this week!!
  • mandyfairbanks
    UGH! I have been horrible!!! I don't know what I have done weight wise! But I am jumping back on the wagon tomorrow!!! Thanks for all the motivation!!
  • JenC
    JenC Posts: 5
    I would LOVE to be a part of this group! I'm just a newbie, today is my 2nd day, but I feel soooo ready for this!
  • 8turboturtle8
    8turboturtle8 Posts: 239 Member
    Options about fluctuations...I was up .4 yesterday and down 2 pounds today!!! Hahahaha...and that is after I pigged out AGAIN yesterday because I was sad and ticked off at the .4 gain! That is what I get...and I will pay for it ;). Mental note ~ Trust the process...just trust the process....
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Options about fluctuations...I was up .4 yesterday and down 2 pounds today!!! Hahahaha...and that is after I pigged out AGAIN yesterday because I was sad and ticked off at the .4 gain! That is what I get...and I will pay for it ;). Mental note ~ Trust the process...just trust the process....

    I've noticed the same thing with me. I tend to drop weight every two weeks. I'll go for days and either be up a little, or stay the same, then after two weeks I'll be down 2 pounds. It is crazy - but as I've come to realize it it is easier to keep on track through the slow times.
  • leshawnturner
    Good morning ladies!!!

    I didn't get to the gym after all yesterday but that's okay I don't think I was really expecting it. But my last night was exciting. I had to take my auntie to the ER because it turns out she broke 4 out of the 5 bones in her foot last night (she was trying to catch her dogs before they ran away and she tripped in a hole). Subsequently I didn't get home until 2am and I'm really tired today. But maybe that can work to my advantage and I can take 5 to 10 min a couple times today to walk around and wake up a bit.

    I hope everyone has a great day today. :happy:
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    Good morning ladies!!!

    I didn't get to the gym after all yesterday but that's okay I don't think I was really expecting it. But my last night was exciting. I had to take my auntie to the ER because it turns out she broke 4 out of the 5 bones in her foot last night (she was trying to catch her dogs before they ran away and she tripped in a hole). Subsequently I didn't get home until 2am and I'm really tired today. But maybe that can work to my advantage and I can take 5 to 10 min a couple times today to walk around and wake up a bit.

    I hope everyone has a great day today. :happy:

    :frown: oh no!!! I'm sorry for your aunt! That sounds awefully painfull - I'll pray for her speedy recovery!!

    Any little bit of exercise helps, so just do what you can today!! Have a great one, too!!
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    That does sound painful! Hope she feels better soon.:smile:
  • leshawnturner
    Thanks for the prayers for my aunt. She went to the doctor today and he reset her foot for 2 weeks. After the 2 weeks he will decide if she will need to have surgery or not. But I wanted to tell everyone that i managed to get in a workout today!!!! I did Jullian Michaels Boost your Metabolism. It was a very intense workout!!! I didn't think I would make it through but I did so yeah me!!!!!
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Thanks for the prayers for my aunt. She went to the doctor today and he reset her foot for 2 weeks. After the 2 weeks he will decide if she will need to have surgery or not. But I wanted to tell everyone that i managed to get in a workout today!!!! I did Jullian Michaels Boost your Metabolism. It was a very intense workout!!! I didn't think I would make it through but I did so yeah me!!!!!

    Great on the workout - that one is INTENSE!! Good for you for making it through. Prayers your Aunt will heal well and not need surgery.
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies :smile:

    leshawnturner: So sorry to hear about your Aunt, hope she heals quickly. That is a great workout! Do you have No More Trouble Zones too? I really like all the workouts that Jillian has been putting out lately.

    Ladies, If you have Exercise TV, try out Less is More Cardio with Cindy Whitmarsh! :love: WOW is all I can say. 30 min of intense cardio. Reminded me of a shorter version of Jillians Banish Fat Boost Metabolism. :love: At the end of this workout I was drenched with sweat!
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    YeeeHaa Ladies!!! Great weigh-in today!!! :tongue:

    8/19/09 - 235.6
    8/26/09 - 231.8

    ALMOST 4 Lbs!! Yeah!!! My first minigoal is 230 lbs by Aug 30 (my son's 4th birthday) and it looks like Iam well on my way to that one!!!wooohoooo!!!

    Have a great day, all you L.L's out there!! Keep working hard - it IS paying off even if some days it doesn't feel like it. :flowerforyou:

    WOW great job!! :bigsmile: 4lbs is AWESOME! you'll hit your goal no problem! My little man will be 3 in September - where has the time gone?! I know where the pounds have gone. :laugh:

    Thank you so much! isn't it crazy how fast our babies grow up???
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    Good Morning L.L's!

    Yeah, I have some great news! I met my first mini goal!:bigsmile: I had a goal to be at 230 by Aug 30th - and I made it today!! I know I should have waited to weigh until next Wednesday, but I was so close that I couldn't help a peek! I''m so excited, and I couldn't wait to share it with all my L.L's!!!Thank you all so much for the encouraging words! It is sooo nice to be able to log on and read all about you all and to know that everyone is so supportive of each other!! Luvs and hugs!!!:heart::love:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    jtodaycheeny: Congrats on reaching that first goal! :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • 8turboturtle8
    8turboturtle8 Posts: 239 Member
    Good Morning L.L's!

    Yeah, I have some great news! I met my first mini goal!:bigsmile: I had a goal to be at 230 by Aug 30th - and I made it today!! I know I should have waited to weigh until next Wednesday, but I was so close that I couldn't help a peek! I''m so excited, and I couldn't wait to share it with all my L.L's!!!Thank you all so much for the encouraging words! It is sooo nice to be able to log on and read all about you all and to know that everyone is so supportive of each other!! Luvs and hugs!!!:heart::love:

  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    ok, so I have a confession to make. When I shared my story a couple weeks ago, I left out a part...

    Like I said before, I have two babies who I love with all my heart. My oldest turned four yesterday and my baby girl was 2 on july 9. That being said, I have been having baby fever for several months, and my DH and I decided that, when I was ready, we would try for another.

    Well, part of me being ready was to lose down to below 200 lbs before trying. So I have an amazing motivator, but the weight is not coming off at all!! least not how I would like it to.

    I suspect part of the problem to be my IUD, which has a small amount of hormone in it. So I made an appointment for Sept 9 to get it removed and we'll see if that helps with the weightloss. I'll use a nonhormonal method in the there it confession....we are going to try for another baby soon.....YEAH!! I am so excited, but I really want to lose more feels like it will take FOREVER though.......grrr....