LOVELY LADIES SUPPORT GROUP starts today!! 8/18/09



  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    I have had three children and until I was done having them I never really seriously dieted. Before, I felt like I had the excuse that I was going to get pregnant again. So, enjoy this time and then when you have your baby, you can really get down to work!!:tongue:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout for me yesterday, just to tired. :grumble: I tried another workout on ExerciseTV OnDemand this morning. Tried out the only Jackie Warner workout that I could see. One on One Abs was good. I can feel my core right now. :smile: The ab/core exercises are all ones that Jillian uses in her workouts. So I was familiar with them, but Jackie seems to take them just a bit faster. At one point I was talking to the TV! Slow down! :laugh:

    jtodacheeny: That is a great goal you have set, for you and your future baby. :wink: I know that I had a hard time with weight until I was off the pill. :grumble: I would workout, eat right and nothing seemed to work. You have already made your mini goal, just keep positive thoughts going. :smile:
  • leshawnturner
    Hello ladies!!!

    I hope everyone is having a great week so far!! Mine has been pretty uneventful, thankfully. A co-worker complimented me on my weight loss last week which made me feel over the moon!!!! I picked up my bridesmaid's dress yesterday and it fits perfectly which is good (no alterations, at least right now), but I want it to be too big by Oct so that I can have it taken in!!!! The dress covers everything pretty good but its a strapless dress and even though we will be wearing shawls I want my back and arms to look great. My shoulders (oddly enough) look nice already but my triceps are huge and my back is not that toned. Does anyone have any exercises to recommend that might help?? I do cardio 4x a week (when I lift weights I do it at a pace that will give me a cardio workout too). PLEASE HELP!!!!
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    I know that I had a hard time with weight until I was off the pill. :grumble: I would workout, eat right and nothing seemed to work.

    I think I may have been having the same problem!! I just recently (like a week ago) got off the pill because it was making me INSANE:cry: I am going to use other methods until Nov, and then I am going to get the Paraguard IUD (no hormones). I suspect now that I was having such a hard time losing the weight because I was on the pill. Maybe now my Weds Weigh-ins will be much more fun! :wink:
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    Hello ladies!!!

    I hope everyone is having a great week so far!! Mine has been pretty uneventful, thankfully. A co-worker complimented me on my weight loss last week which made me feel over the moon!!!! I picked up my bridesmaid's dress yesterday and it fits perfectly which is good (no alterations, at least right now), but I want it to be too big by Oct so that I can have it taken in!!!! The dress covers everything pretty good but its a strapless dress and even though we will be wearing shawls I want my back and arms to look great. My shoulders (oddly enough) look nice already but my triceps are huge and my back is not that toned. Does anyone have any exercises to recommend that might help?? I do cardio 4x a week (when I lift weights I do it at a pace that will give me a cardio workout too). PLEASE HELP!!!!

    Yay!! Congratulations on your compliment! Don't you love it when someone notices all your hard work!!??:love: I used to do triceps lifts on the edge of the bathtub to tone my triceps. You sit down on the edge of the tub, lift yourself up off the edge of the tub with your arms, then lower to just below the edge of the tub and push back up again with your arms. Keep feet firmly on the ground with knees at a 90 degree angle. Repeat 12 times for a set.

    Hope this helps! Here's to your dress being too big by Oct!!:drinker:
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    Good Wednesday Morning Ladies!

    Weigh In this morning was pretty good - 2.4 lbs. I almost got frustrated, hoping I could have another 4 lb loss this week because I have been sooo careful this week. But then I stepped back and thought, Hey - 2.4 pounds is pretty dang good!! I have no reason whatsoever to be bummed - I refuse to have a negative attitude - a loss is a loss!!! So there you have it. Have a great day ladies!!

    8/19/09 - 235.6
    8/26/09 - 231.8
    9/02/09 - 229.4
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    gogoleaner - Hey, thanks! I thought maybe I was just making excuses as to why the weightloss is
    going sooooo slowly! I am happy to be getting that hormonal little thing out on the 9th! I'm with you, hopefully wednesday weigh-ins will be better!! good luck, we'll keep each other posted - I really think we're on to something....
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    jtodacheeny: That is a great goal you have set, for you and your future baby. :wink: I know that I had a hard time with weight until I was off the pill. :grumble: I would workout, eat right and nothing seemed to work. You have already made your mini goal, just keep positive thoughts going. :smile:

    Thank you for the encouragement - I was a little bummed and then I read your post, and it really reminded me that every little goal is a victory! Hope you have a great day!!
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    G'mornin ladies. :flowerforyou:

    Sorry (again!) for not keeping up this week. I probably wont' be on much as this entire month (and half of last) is booked with almost daily goings-on. So, I'm sorry for not keeping up with you wonderful ladies!! I hope everyone is doing good & still going strong on this weight loss journey! Perhaps I'll get on & read everybodys updates once I finally get the kids to bed tonight. :indifferent: But that's strictly a guess bc who knows if they'll cooperate - plus they're staying at my Mom's house today, that means hyped up on sugar & no naps. :grumble: She's true to her "Grandma's get to spoil" roots.

    BUT, anyway, here's my Wednesday Weigh-in. I'm proud because I ate TERRIBLE and I truly mean terrible since Friday and was aiming for maintenance this week but was surprised :smile: Here's my stats--

    Start = 179 :indifferent:
    Week 1 = 179 :grumble:
    Week 2 = 178 :smile:
    Week 3 = 176 :noway:

    Next weeks goal is to maintain my 176 - I've got a crazy week ahead & I'll be happy if I stay the same!! OF course more weight loss would be great, but my realistic goal is to not gain! :sick:

    :drinker: Cheers to all the weight-loss ladies!!!
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    8/12/09 start date 163.8 lbs
    8/19/09 162.8.....lost one pound!
    8/26/09 162.2.....lost 1/2 pound & 1 inch in waist!
    9/2/09 162.0.....ugh! :grumble: only lost .2lb..I am re-weighing tomorrow b'cuz I ate alot of salt yesterday and I think I am bloated. ( I did a cheat weigh in yesterday too and I only weighed 161.6)

    Yay to all of us!! We are doing awesome! Keep up the good work and remember to drink your water--it helps the cells burn fat!!
  • 8turboturtle8
    8turboturtle8 Posts: 239 Member
    I know that I had a hard time with weight until I was off the pill. :grumble: I would workout, eat right and nothing seemed to work.

    I think I may have been having the same problem!! I just recently (like a week ago) got off the pill because it was making me INSANE:cry: I am going to use other methods until Nov, and then I am going to get the Paraguard IUD (no hormones). I suspect now that I was having such a hard time losing the weight because I was on the pill. Maybe now my Weds Weigh-ins will be much more fun! :wink:

    I am joining this bandwagon...and ditching the hormones. I am single so don't "need" them other that to keep myself regular...and right now that is the least of my worries! I am so bloated today and have a horrible headache! I didn't have time or the sense) to step on the scale this morning. I will have to tomorrow I guess. Great job to all the ladies! YOu are doing fantastic!
  • leshawnturner
    OMG!!! I completely forgot about weigh in today!!! I'll weigh in tomorrow morning and will post then. Good week everyone, even if it didn't turn out the way you wanted it too. :happy:
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    Measured and weighed this morning. Measured the same but down 1/2 pound...i'll take it!
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    OK...the weigh in this morning did not go as hoped.:explode:

    I am sticking with yesterdays number and looking ahead to next Weds.:grumble:
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Weigh In this morning.

    Finally down a pound!!!

    LW 144.8
    Cw 143.4 :)

    Finally at 15 pounds lost - Yay me :)
  • leshawnturner
    Good morning ladies!!!! :laugh: :wink: :smile: I hope everyone is having a wonderful day, the week's almost over and its a long weekend!!! Yeah!!!!!!:laugh: :bigsmile: I had a tough day with my eating yesterday (I had a Jason's Deli potato and a piece of turtle cheesecake:blushing: :sad: ) but I'm starting over today!!! I will do cardio today, probably WATP the 2mile and lift for upper body. Have a great day ladies!!!
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    Weigh In this morning.

    Finally down a pound!!!

    LW 144.8
    Cw 143.4 :)

    Finally at 15 pounds lost - Yay me :)

    Great Job!!!Congrats on the 15!!!
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    I am soo excited ladies!!! I have had a pair of jeans sitting on my dresser since I bought them a few months ago ( they were on clearance and I thought they were my size - boy was I wrong!!) Anyway, I have tried them on occasionally and they were always way too small....Well, I AM WEARING THEM AS I TYPE!!! They fit, and they are pretty comfortable!!

    I still have a little bit of a muffin top in them, but other than that, they fit really well---zipped and buttoned and everything!!! Thank you ladies for all your encouragement and for the support!!!
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    :angry: ugg Ladies.....
    Had 3 different little birthday parties for my little boy, plus a night out with a dear friend, ATE LIKE CRUD!!!! :sad: :noway: :grumble: :explode: :mad: ..Get the picture of how I feel????I cannot believe how terrible I have eaten in the past couple of days. It's like I gave myself permission to pig out and be stupid. Now I feel like I've taken two steps backwards!!!! Anyway, it's kinda frustrating, and it's totally my fault!!!

    I guess the only thing I can do is move forward and start fresh tomarrow. Well, Tomarrow is a new day, and I will not let this get to me......but I'm not looking forward to wednesday too much. There's always next weigh in!
  • jeanniedreambtl
    We all just need to remember that we are doing this for most importantly ourselves. But also, the ones we love. AND we deserve to be thin, healthy, and happy!

    That's what keeps me motivated. I dont allow anyone or anything to distract me because I know what I'm doing is more important than anything else right now.

    If anyone wants to be friends and we support eachother, feel free to send me a request:)