

  • Day 3 done! My hamstrings are what is burning for me. Those side lunges with the curls are a doozie, but I made it all the way through. Still having jumping jack issues, but I am working through it. Bring on day 4!!
  • Mama's got it cookin' :-) Got up and at it at 5am and got day 2 done! It was harder this morning as my muscles were still sore from yesterday, but I didn't let that stop me. I got it, I did it, I conquered it! Whoot Whoot. On to day 3
  • The worse part for me in day one was the jumping jacks. I just can't jump like I did in my younger days. LOLOL It is now 9:30 and I am heading to bed so I ca get up and be ready for day two. Whoo Whoo.
  • Hi guys, I haven't taken my measurements yet, but will try to get those posted today sometime. In the meantime: SW - 269 CW - 190 Goal - 160 (not for this challenge, but overall) I would like to see 179 by end of this challenge.
  • Thanks for the calendar. Printing now.
  • Hey Ladies, I am ready for the 1st. I watched the video this morning and I think I can do this. I am waiting for everybody though to start on the first. I do have a question though. How long to we spend on each phase?
  • OMG! You are all a bunch of babies in here. I mean that in the nicest way. Mainly because I guess I will be the "Momma" of the group. LOL Hi all, I am Kriss I am a 62 year old gramma and dang proud of it. (wink) I don't feel 62, more like 42 as I recently lost 70 lbs and have 30 to go. I run 5k's, work out constantly and…
  • Hi Ladies, I am 99% sure I have the DVD at home. Seems I tried and gave up like everyone else. With this group, I think I can stick with it and "git-r-done" . Very excited. Going hinting right after work. If I don't have it, I am heading right on over to Amazon and get one sent here ASAP. Looking forward to getting to know…