

  • To all of you that are looking for a new MFP friend, please add me. I took a break from MFP during the holidays and have managed to lose 50% of the friends that I had (granted I only had 4), but I think support is key. So please add me as well. I hope all your journeys no matter if you just started or a year into them are…
  • Thanks! I am hoping once I get into better shape that my asthma will get better as well. Crossing my fingers and running!
  • Wow, that's a lot on your plate! I just finished school and worked full time as well. I have two kiddies and but I also had a great husband, that handled the fort when i was at class. I can understand not being motivated, it's hard. By the time you get done with the kids homework, cleaning and then your own homework;…
  • I suffer from heart palpitations, something brought on with two pregnancies. I haven't been preggers for nearly 7 years and the palpitations have increased. I went to the cardiologist who diagnosed me with Mitral vavle prolapse...I had no idea my. I also suffer from asthma as well, so getting back into shape was something…
  • Four months??? Great Job. Truly inspirational for me.
  • You might not be eating enough for your exercise. My progress is slow as well, but I notice nothing comes off no matter how much I diet, I need movement. Any movement is good, walking, dancing, mopping the floor...anything. For years I've had very bad low back pain and have gone to chiropractors and pain management to deal…
  • I am not doing C25K, but am walking/running up to 5 times a week for 45+ minutes a day. Last week I put the questions up on my facebook page whether I should exercise, after days of exercise and my legs were beat; a friend responded with this: "the answer is ALWAYS exercise unless you are injured! You will regret not…
  • Please add me as well! I just started this last week and need help with motivation like many of the members. I'd love to hear about your journey.