I'm not a martial artist but feel your pain. A few years ago I was about to go sub 200 and compete in a Tough Mudder. Enter the foot, shoulder and back injuries that would arrive since. I have no more foot issues but running is out. My shoulder has been under the knife 2 times in 3 years. My neck and back are a mess from…
I'm in a similar situation, been here, done that, and just restarted. I lost 4 lbs this week. Nothing crazy just keeping under calorie and walking from 12-23 thousand steps everyday. Since I already drink lots of water I am hopeful that this weeks loss wasn't water! Add me
Currently at 216 (lost 4lbs this week!) short term is sub 200 than eventually sub 170. I could always use supporters and motivation! add me!
Limp Biskit
Depends on what I am doing. When I ran the beat need to be fast, techno or house worked great. Lifting required volume and anger, Rage Against the Machine, Linkin Park, Limp Biskit. Biking to me is boring so I want music that distracts me, Motown works. Walking could be anything, in fact I enjoy an Audiobook for the longer…
Here is some info to answer your questions: I am not training specifically for anything. I find it easier scheduling 3 x 30minute sessions than 1 x 90minutes session. All the weight lifting comments are noted but are not applicable here. Yes I am trying to increase my metabolism throughtout the day to offset some of my…
small steps repeated often makes for steady ground
@thatgirlsana 2nd row 3rd pic
I have never lied in a question. Is there an answer that was a lie?
Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies. Really?
out of my league...oh wait
Gold Bond Rocks! It's like a York Peppermint Patty for your boys!
Hotel California Yes it is Who is that behind you?
anyone want to play tic tack toe?
back still hurts, would you like some rock and roll?
Been in all day! You just getting here?
thick and meaty...newspaper?
can I make you breakfast?
11/24 <<<born on Turkey Day! (insert joke here)
Sure, you can. What's for dinner?
NSV - that 34inch waist shorts and a Large shirt (hanging loose). There is also a new bass guitar in this too!
search for "cleaning"
There is another benefit of lifting without additional weights...form! All it takes is one poorly executed lift and you will know! Practice your form...once your form is strong you can start looking at adding weight. There is another gym fees! LOL
@RECowgill - ZOMBIES!!!!!!!
@grandmakaye - New clothes are awesome! @fatabass - let go of the past and live for today and tomorrow, start self esteem today @ideltabigboy - easy rider! @ckleczka - I cant wait to run again!
No doubt there is a lot on your plate! With that established lets move forward, the past is done. Don't relive it. small steps...find 15-30minutes of you time...not for studying, watching kids, chores, etc I wake up an hour early so I can exercise because once the day begins there is no time. Sure missing an hour sleep…
Being healthy for your wedding is a great way to start your new life! But it is just one day...what is your plan after that? Wish you the greatest success in achieving your goals!
TIffanousMari the second row first pic..ginger and blue!