

  • I use IdealShape. The are affordable and they have a meal replacement bar that is really good. One of the main reasons I like them is because they focus on changing the way you think about food and your bad habits so it helps keep the weight off. Just sayin...
  • I like IdealShape meal replacement shakes. They have a hunger blocker in them that the others do not have. And I like the taste!
  • I think you should check into idealshape more. They aren't just a meal replacement company. I just received a book they released called Think: Use Your Mind to Shrink Your Waist Line. So far so good! they really want to train you to make good choices and form good eating habits. Weight loss begins in the brain and I think…
  • I would suggest using IdealShape products. Their shakes are delicious but more important they contain 13 grams of protein, 19 vitamins and minerals, a strong hunger blocker and very low sugar. They also have many smoothie recipes that help change it up and their customer support is fantastic. Not only that but they have a…
  • I love IdealShape shakes because of the nutrition and taste they have. I did some serious searching for the best meal replacement shake and IdealShape was it for me. The shakes have 19 vitamins and minerals, 13 grams of protein, 2 grams of sugar and a strong hunger blocker. Plus... they have cd's to help retrain the way…
  • Here is the nutrition label right off of . Just scroll down and you will see the tab "Nutrition Facts"
  • Just saw your question.... I'm so sorry for taking so long to respond! You don't have to get the supplements but I do suggest using them. They have made a difference for me! Some people take longer to respond to things, I happen to be one of them. It took me about a month to feel different and then WOW! I really noticed a…
  • You sound like me when it comes to the taste of shakes. The funny thing is... I really love the IdealShape Chocolate Shake! How did you mix it? Just with water? Have you tried using skim milk or Almond milk? That really was yummy to me. I also use their shake recipes on their facebook page and their site. I have a trickf…
  • How are you doing with your IdealShape Shakes? Just wondering...
  • I am also using Idealshape meal replacement shakes and I love them! I am having great success and I am even able to get my daughter to drink a shake in the moring just because she never has time for breakfast and it is nutrious ! She is so dang hard to please so it was a miracle !! I have just started using the…
  • I am using IdealShape Meal Replacement Shakes! I LOVE THEM! There is a page on the Idealshape website that lists the differences between their shake and others. I thought it might be helpful. You can also click on the nutritional facts to see what is really in it and make the comparisons yourself.…
  • I love IdealShape! It took me a couple of days to start feeling more energy. I also stay in touch with their facebook page because they answer your questions really fast. I was feeling hungry in between shakes and I learned that I needed to drink more water and have a healthy snack in between shakes. Here is a web-site…
  • I disagree.... If you take a 200 calorie nutritious shake and replace a lunch that is usually 500 to 800 calories, you will lose 1 to 2 lbs a week. I am using IdealShape and love it!