Meal Replacement Shakes

Has anybody tried meal replacement shakes? I'm specifically interested in the "IdealShape" program. I've used HMR before and it worked, but pounds creeping back on. I like the "no thinking involved" approach to meal replacements, especially to get me kick started...


  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    I have never heard of the IdealShape program so I can't comment on that...

    Are you going to drink meal replacement shakes forever?? If the answer is yes than start drinking them. If the answer is no than why do something you aren't going to do forever?

    The issue with the shake diets is that people go on them to lose weight.. they drink them instead of a meal or two a day. They reach the weight they want to and than they stop... and end up putting the weight right back on because they haven't learned how to eat properly while maintaining a certain weight.

    Most shakes don't provide adequate nutrition (please be careful of the distributers of Herbalife, Body by Vi and the coaches on here who will try to sell you Shakeology).

    Why don't you want to eat real food? Shakes won't magically make you lose weight. You can make great meals in short periods of time that will be much more nutritous than a shake.
  • Thanks for the heads up on some of these programs.

    I know eating real food is the way to go, but sometimes I lose control w/this option :). I've just found something comforting in the "no decision" aspect of shakes/meal replacements. Once I gain a little confidence w/an early weight loss, I can let my rational self take over again and start to focus on eating properly. It's when I lose that focus - which can be sometimes be exhausting and time consuming for me- that I'm toast (or should I now say, rice cake?).

    I guess I'd like to use these shakes as just one of the tools in my belt and am wondering how much of a scam IdealShape might be...
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Personally I think they are all a scam. I don't think meal replacement shakes contain enough protein and other nutrients. They are just loaded with sugar.

    I would personally go with just real food and learning what to eat, how to cook, etc etc as you will get much more nutrition and save money by actual food. If you don't want to go the food route I would suggest just making a protein shake. For about the same amount of calories you get much more protein.

    IdealShape is pretty expensive and seems a lot like Shakeology, Body by Vi etc. I don't agree with IdealShape as it promotes that it safely builds muscle... which can't be done by a shake or by any food for example... especially a shake that is 120 calories per scoop. Even using this shake twice a day you would have a lot of calories to make up later in the day.

    If you really want to go the route of a shake just use a protein shake... 11g of protein in the IdealShape mix is nothing really.
  • I think you should check into idealshape more. They aren't just a meal replacement company. I just received a book they released called Think: Use Your Mind to Shrink Your Waist Line. So far so good! they really want to train you to make good choices and form good eating habits. Weight loss begins in the brain and I think they got it right.
  • I drink a shake every morning usually using skim milk, sometimes almond milk--or when I'm outta milk I switch it up with a different healthy breakfast. I drink them because it's an easy breakfast for me that keeps me full, I enjoy them & it's good for me as well. Don't drink them just because it's what you HAVE to do to lose weight or of course you'll get sick of them & gain it all back. Some people just don't like the taste/texture & have to choke it down. I don't recommend using it to replace more than one meal.
    Then find a brand that is actually good for you & doesn't have a bunch of (usually fake) junk in them. You may have to experiment with a few different brands to find one that is GOOD for you, affordable price (important if you plan on sticking to them) & of course tastes good. I currently drink Sunwarrior, I was given a container of Spiri-Tein so I've been drinking that one too...Just try them, they're not for everyone.
  • s_west
    s_west Posts: 17 Member
    I like using MR shakes for my breakfast as I find it very difficult to get anything down first thing in the morning. But I've found most shakes have a ton of sugar or aspartame, which will only make you crash and feel hungry a short while later. I've done some exploring and have settled on an organic vegan protein shake (I'm not a vegan). Blend it with some kefir and fruit, little bit of flaxseed for the fibre, and it's a good breakfast.
  • The ideal Shape shakes are great. My husband uses them daily and I do a few times a week. We have the vanilla so we can mix in other things like fruits and yogart. But work just fine with powder and milk or water. :smile:
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    I dont like most advertised meal replacement shakes because they are SO expensive, Its alot easier and cheaper to buy a good protein powder, mix it with skim or almond milk and throw some fruits and spinach all in a blender, you get the vitamins, and protein you need without all the added sugars and fillers. This is just my opinion, I only have a shake every once in a while if I need a quick meal or a bump in calories, but to each their own!
  • JuneyJo
    JuneyJo Posts: 182 Member
    I'm one of the Beachbody coaches now_or_never1 warned you about, but I don't sell here. I did start coaching because I love the Shakeology. I have a friend who did the WiO plan and lost inches like they said she would, but (also like now_or_never1 mentioned) it had really hight sugar and she is now pre-diabetic and really struggling to get her system back in line.

    One reason Shakeology works for me is that I was a breakfast skipper. I am almost always running late and being able to throw some water or milk and a scoop of chocolate in a cup and go is just plain easy.

    My advice is to really read the ingredients and evaluate your needs vs what it offers. If it's a temporary thing, there's a very high probability that you will put the weight back on when you stop replacing meals. If it's a long term solution to avoid skipping meals (like in my case), find one that works for you and it's always a good idea to run it by your doctor or nurse to make sure it's a good option and not a lot of false promises and dangerous ingredients.
  • mfighter
    mfighter Posts: 1 Member
    Idealshape is really good, and you are right they are perfect for kicking off a system! They make you start thinking about your calories and keeping your calories lower. They are definitely something you dont have to be on forever! They are great for me because they have so many vitamins so even though I have lost most the weight I have wanted I still plan on using them to I know I am getting my vitamins and the fiber I need in my diet. Some days I dont use them but I have come to a point where I know what good choices are and I am sticking to a lifetime of heathy eating, because for me it makes me feel better!