"Wanna do it?"
I only buy skinless chicken breasts because it would actually bring me to tears to have to discard the skin myself.
I understood banana then you lost me.
I think most doctors and experts agree that this type of weight loss is impossible. Your genetic profile has more to do with where you lose weight than anything else. I know I was stupid enough to buy one of electric stimulation belts when I was in my early twenties. It was supposed to turn a flabby stomach into a rock…
It's not an insult and it's not a bogus generalization. Yes some guys have eating disorders. No not all women eat when they are depressed. A lot of women eat when they are depressed, more so than men. That's a fact and it is most likely caused by hormonal or chemical imbalances. Deal with it.
Sorry to offend but it's true. I don't know any guys that eat because they're depressed but every female member of my family complains that they do it. It's probably hormonal and there's nothing you can do but increase your will power.