

  • I only stopped the gym for a week to see what would happen but im back to going 4 times a week. I'm seeing a stomach doctor presently and ill ask about doing a thyroid panel.
  • Thank you all for your support and kind words. I will say the one thing that really helped me with stress and also cut serious calories from my diet is drinking seltzer. I drink about 12 cans of unflavored sodium free seltzer a day and it really helps with curbing hunger. The only thing i drink outside of this is black…
  • I completely quit drinking and I watch how many calories I take in. The really strange part is I didnt change what I ate just how much I ate. I actually dont eat any fruits or vegetables which I know is not good but i havent eaten them in over 17 years. Ive tried since then to eat them but I cant stomach them. However all…
  • Thank you all for the info and support. I wasnt so concerned at first because I was drinking way too much alcohol and i figured it was just water weight but that was three months ago. So I'll stick with the program and keep exercising not to try not to lose muscle mass.
  • thanx for the info
  • The doctor said im on the right track but to keep working. And my liver is on the mend looks Like everything is gonna work out ok but thanx for the support
  • I wish i knew how to post before and after pics but they are in my profile
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