

  • I took a three week break due to travels and family holiday. I was away in Australia for a week, back home for five days, then in Korea for a week. I was in phase three week 9 when I left. While I was traveling, I tried to stay active as much as I could and eat healthy but in reality not so easy! The good news is that I…
  • My results so far: StartIng weight: Jan. 2nd 59.9KG (post xmas weight gain of 1.9kg) End of Phase 1: Jan. 30th 57.1KG End of Phase 2: Mar. 10th 55 KG (I took a week off workout between week 5 & 6) Total weight loss: 4.9 KG = 10.8 lbs It seems I didn't measure when I started. I was so disgusted with the amount of weight…
  • I started phase 3 today. Workout 9 today. It was quite hard but I did push myself to do all the moves without cheating. I did ok but got sweatier than any workout so far but I was able to do all the moves. I'll have to see how my body feels tomorrow though!
  • So? How did you go? I've finally made it into week7! Ouch. In quite a bit of pain from my workout 7 from Monday. I did workout 8 today and didn't find it too bad but I won't speak too loudly until tomorrow. I have been bad with food this last few days but still maintaining the same weight as last week. I'm noticing quite a…
  • Hi Tigerblue, I had been pretty religious about logging my food since January because I had consistently gained weight through 30ds, ri30 in October-December. Since starting BR, I have logged food and added hrm to the mix and ate back the calories. I would aim to be net 1200 which means I could eat anywhere between 1500 to…
  • I'm finishing w6 this weekend. I decided to take a week off last week because my body needed it. Surprisingly, (or may be mot) I lost more weight during the week even though I made it a point to rest my body. This week, back into w6 and feeling great. Starting to feel quite lean. So far weight wise, 7.4 lbs loss since…
  • :-D I quite like the arm circles with the kick-outs though I look ridiculous doing it!
  • 3 and 4 were definitely a bit harder than 1 and 2. My fitness seem to improve quite quickly though. First two days I was sweating and was out of breath, but by day 4 and 5 I was much better. I didn't think any of the moves were particularly hard to follow, most I had seen from 30DS, RI30, and 6W6P. I didn't think I'd…
  • Hey Astronut thanks. Good to know about what's coming ahead on 3! I was suppose to start it this Thursday but I am thinking of repeating week 2 from today until Saturday just so I get Sunday as my off day. I started on the 2nd and find the mid week off day doesn't really work well for me. Anyway something to look forward…
  • I do try to do some extra cardio just so I can eat a bit more. I LOVE food and find it impossible to live on 1200 calories. It's only my week 2 but I have supplemented with additional 30min cardio per day. Sometimes I do a bit more, some times I do a bit less. So far, I'm actually not losing any weight though. My husband…
  • I use adjustable weights too but don't like it so much either. I wanted to get 5 and 8 pound weights to use as well. I also use heavier 10KG discs for ab moves.
  • I was thinking of completing 6Week 6Pack but a few people on the site were talking about T25. I thought it warrants further investigation. You?
  • Hi, I'm Yujin, age 39 and new here. I'm a Korean via Canada via Australia. I currently live in Singapore and have been for the last 5 years already. I have been at various fitness states throughout my life but lately I guess I'd call myself skinny fat. I wanted to change that before my 40th birthday comes around next year.…
  • Wow great results! I can really see the difference. I read on your previous posts that you stuck to about 1800 calories which is what I'm going for so it's good to see that you've got great results still. I just can't imagine being on a 1200 calorie diet for 90 days. I'd be so mis! :-( Excellent job and look forward to…
  • Good news. My weights down week 2. I gained two pounds first eeek, then this week down about 2.5 pounds so there's a net loss of half a pound. Yay! I look a lot slimmer around the waist and have lost half an inch in ten days of 30DS so far. I'm moving upto level two tomorrow.
  • I'm still in too. Day 10 today with two rest days last week so get to move to level 2 tomorrow finally. Lighter today by about a kilo since I started. I see changes in my body. My waist is smaller than it has been... Like ever! I'm dreading level 2. Everyone has said it's SO hard!!
  • I gained about two pounds over the weekend. :-( I know it doesnt sound like much but it is still discouraging! Especially because I''m only trying to lose about five pounds! Good to hear this is not uncommon.
  • Hi, I'm Yujin, 38, married and living in Singapore. Today I completed level 1, day 7. I'm looking forward to moving up to level 2 this week. I'm not looking to lose a lot of weight but to get my body fat percentage down. I'm at 29% body fat now but would like to get to 22%. It's been only a week but I do find that I'm a…
  • We're very similar! Height: 5 ft 6 1/2 Starting weight: 125 lb Current weight: 119.5 lb Goal weight: 112 lb