slingblade Member


  • Dave--youre in your 50's. Why do you need people to be afraid of you? Got to take somebody's lunch-money? SB
  • Thanks, Doc!
  • I worked in restaurants during college, and we sold lots of "low-fat" chicken. At least it was before it spent the night soaking in a vat of butter and other "proprietary" sauces--that stuff makes it taste good. They want you to like it a lot so you will come back. They are interested in making money not making you skinny.…
  • Yes. The same is true for running on a treadmill. As an avid runner, who runs on a treadmill ocasionally, the exertion in genuine running/jogging is much greater. Instead of the belt moving under you, you must constantly propel your weight. From that comparison, you can see that the difference in running in place and…