

  • Don't get discouraged. You will soon see the pounds go down. I've read that your body can take a couple months to realize it's ok to drop pounds. It depends on your eating habits.
    in frustrated Comment by Jillian July 2008
  • I know I'm late, but I could use a challenge, I haven't been doing very well since April. 7/7/08- 165 8/1/08-158! Good Luck
  • I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
  • I hear yah! I'm up in Bellingham, what a beautiful weekend we had! Now, it looks like softball will get rained out AGAIN!!! We've played 2 days in 2 1/2 months. I was suppose to be playing for exercise, now I have a hard time getting off my butt! HELP!!!
  • WOW!!!!!!!!!!! Dito w/ gabi_ele! You are on a very dangerous path. I think you need to talk to your parents about this. I'm concerned that you are going to hurt yourself with this kind of dieting. I don't think anyone would encourage you to weigh under 110 lbs.
  • I understand how you're feeling. Don't get too down on yourself. If you feel like you need a little break from dieting, go ahead, and then get back on the horse tomorrow. If you don't give in a little, you will end up eating alot. Some "treats" I like are Blue Bunny Sweet Freedom Lites ( ice cream bars) 90 cals. Yogurt…
  • You may view this as venting, and it is. I too have a husband that doesn't pay attention all the time. First you should think long and hard about what it is your wife does for your family. Then you should remember the times where she says, " I wish I had..." or " That is so beautiful" and buy it for her. Wrap the gifts, it…
  • I hear yah! Same thing is happening to me. I'm having a hard time getting myself back into my routine I had. I lost 15 and gained 5 back. I start the week off good for the most part, but find I am having more "off" days than "on". I could use some motivation too. Something to push me. Maybe a new goal outfit or something.…
  • Yeah the shoe one! I used to wear a 7 1/2 then I went up to an 8. I didn't understand how at 30 years old my feet could grow. Then I lost 17 pounds and I went down a size in shoes!
  • I'd go with strength training, its probably close. Until you figure something else out. I have sort of the same issue with a walking video I do. It varies in speeds so I have to calculate how long I went at what speed. Can be troublesome, but I'm still doing it. Good Luck to you!
    in Any Ideas Comment by Jillian April 2008
  • Thanks, It's great to be able to get help from others. I'm going to add the yoga. I think I'll walk everyday too, instead of just every other day. Thanks for you input. Jillian
  • I'm wondering if any of you can help me with introducing new activities to my workout. Currently I do a walking video 3 times a week, it's 45 minutes. On the same day I do in home stuff like squats, sit ups, push ups, and leg lifts. I think I'm at a point where I need to introduce new things. I have a Yoga video I'd like…
  • Bring your own goodies! On somedays, have what everyone is having, in moderation. Good Luck!
  • No need for plastic surgery. There is a laser machine out that does skin tightening, it really works, I've done it on my saggy skin. Kind of expensive depending on where you live but really worth it!
  • I have it on my list.
  • How about giving in. There are lots of sugar free chocolates out there, Dove makes a fantastic dark chocolate mint. It's low and fat, cals and carbs, and honestly I never need to eat the 5 that are in a single serving! It was really hard for me during PMS after I started this diet, but I let myself have SOME of what I…
  • Very creative idea. Go for it!!
  • I know I didn't get it either. You need to keep 1200 calories. If you go under 1200 your body will go into starvation mode and it will hold on to your fat, you will not lose. Just make sure you're getting 1200 cal, that's the hard part for me. Good Luck
  • When the little one gets feeling better, take a walk, weather permitting. I have 2 kids and work full time, I have very little time for myself, or money for a gym. I use an exercise video before anyone is awake, then 3 times a week I do push ups sit ups etc. But maybe your body is telling you to let up a little. That's…
  • I also do the Walk away the pounds. If you are doing 2 miles in 30 minutes you would be walking 4 mph. So I enter that I've walked 4mph for 30 min. I Love those videos. Good luck!
  • I have done the no/low carb thing before and had fantastic results. Now I am using this site, but I have changed my goal settings so that I can also watch my carbs. I try and stay between 60-90 carbs perday and I get those from whole wheat and fruits like apples and pears. Good luck, I know you can do it!
  • I am so happy! I've lost 9lbs in 3 weeks! When I look at myself I can't really tell, but when I put on my work close I can feel it. No more wiggling my way into my scrub pants! I've had a shirt hanging in my closet since spring that I never end up wearing because of the size of my arms. I'll give myself 1 more week and try…
  • I just bought Jif Natural Peanut Butter. It's great, only 6 carbs per serving! I love it.
  • From what I've been told apples and pears and good sugars because your body burns them slower? I think. But fruits are better than candy bars and adding sugar to your foods.
  • Speaking of comfort foods... those Mock mashed potatoes do the trick!! Turn on your favorite music while your cooking, maybe it will give you a bounce. Good Luck. Jill
  • Thanks alot! I know now that I need to increase my calories. I appreciate the help.
  • Good question. For me I think it was the choices in food, and the amounts per meal I was eating. Before I wouldn't eat breakfast but I would have a 20 oz triple fat-free breve, at lunch I would usually go out to eat, get a huge chicken wrap and a dessert bar or couple of cookies. The when I got home for dinner I would be…
  • The 1200 per day, or add the calories I've burned also? Ex. I've eaten 1200, burned 300...Do I need to eat 300 more calories now?
  • Can anyone tell me.....If I should be eating the extra calories I burn from my daily workouts? I'm concerned about going into starvation mode because out of my 1200 cal I can eat per day, I've only ended up eating 1100, then I've burned 296 cals, so my net cals are 804?? Do I need to eat more, because honestly I feel like…