

  • I'm worried about staying under my calories tomorrow. My in laws always have the best food on holidays. I will eat and enjoy I just need to watch my portions. This will be a test of my will power for sure.
  • My goal is to create and maintain healthy eating habits. I love to go out and be active (5ks, hiking trails, swimming, etc)...but when I accompany that with a poor diet, what good does it do? Like many of you, I need to loose 30+ pounds as well, but overall I want to find the right balance and be healthy :-)
  • I'm 25 and am in similar shoes! My some research on body fat breakthrough! I'm one day into Dr. Dardin's diet and workout plan. I like the diet plan because its not really a diet, it just supports the idea of eating 6 small meals a day and helps you portion your food correctly. The workout plan is hard but…
  • Wonderful progress! Your success gives the rest of us hope :-)
  • I have 34 to loose. I tend to go back and fourth with 15 pounds and I want to end that! I've been looking for a way to stay accountable to my health and fitness plans and this seems like a great start!