31 days of July accountability thread



  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    It's not to late to join the Ultimate Accountability Challenge group. It's just started for July. Good luck!
  • tskvaughn
    tskvaughn Posts: 114 Member
    Day one logging complete and I did log everything that went in my mouth and under calorie goal. I even managed to eat back most of my exercise calories. That makes me a bit nervous b/c being of a "certain age" my metabolism has slowed.
    Made my 10K steps even with the extreme heat. Walked to last 2 miles after dark and it was still pretty humid. Knees didn't feel like biking today, but I had my time with "Jillian>'
  • LesaDave
    LesaDave Posts: 1,480 Member

    Side note: And this is only because I am proud of myself.........Yesterday my mom, kiddos, and I went to eat at Chili's for lunch. I usually order a Dr. Pepper and spinach and artichoke appetizer (my daughter could eat this ALL day!) right away. I can easily down 3-4 Dr. Pepper's during one meal. This time, I ordered a Dr. Pepper, a lemon water, and a house salad without dressing, which I shared with my kiddos. And believe it or not, I hardly drank any of my Dr. Pepper. I did refill on my water three times. My plan, next time, is to not order the Dr. Pepper at all, and to encourage my kids to make healthier choices with their meals, such as orange slices or salad for themselves instead of fries. This may not seem like a big deal to any of you guys, but it's something I struggle with, and I find that any change (such as drinking water instead of soda at a restaurant) should be recognized.


    That's a great NSV!! YAY YOU!!
  • veg_jen
    veg_jen Posts: 20 Member
    I'm in!

    My weight is going in the wrong direction and I need a course correction. I'm shooting for 1400 cal/day with at least 30 minutes of exercise.
  • BEquality
    BEquality Posts: 58 Member
    I'm in!

    I'm a 2-week newbie to MFP, food tracking, and regular exercise... I couldn't do my initial weigh in (Monday, last week) until 5 days after I started (Weds, 2 weeks ago), but on my second weigh-in on Monday this week, I had already lost about a pound and a half!

    I am still learning about everything, including this forum... but I, again, am in. What do I need to do? Post to this thread daily?
  • LisaBear1986
    LisaBear1986 Posts: 85 Member
    Day 2.

    We got this!
  • HappilyRubina
    HappilyRubina Posts: 206 Member
    I'm in!

    I'm a 2-week newbie to MFP, food tracking, and regular exercise... I couldn't do my initial weigh in (Monday, last week) until 5 days after I started (Weds, 2 weeks ago), but on my second weigh-in on Monday this week, I had already lost about a pound and a half!

    I am still learning about everything, including this forum... but I, again, am in. What do I need to do? Post to this thread daily?

    Hi there. Welcome here. :smile:
    You're doing great with that weight loss. As per this thread, yeah you can post daily about your day. Its like a group meeting where you can post your report at the end of the day. Concept being doing it in a group makes you accountable! :)
    If you need extra support, you can shoot friend request to those interested (like myself :tongue: )
    Hope you enjoy being here and develop a support system around you. Tk cr.
  • kisseso3
    kisseso3 Posts: 36
    Day 1 resulted in 529 calories under, which really was 171 calories under my actual goal with exercising involved. My goal is a 1/2 lb a week loss, but I've looked it up to see how many calories would result in a pound a week loss, and technically up to two pounds, but I probably won't hit that. My goal is from my weekly average to be in the pound a week area, but I'm too much of a chicken to make that my actual calorie allotment for the days that I don't exercise or eat at the less helpful establishments.
  • tskvaughn
    tskvaughn Posts: 114 Member
    A lb a week is good. You don't wind up with so much loose skin as you give your body time to adjust.

    I am really tired today. I think I am going to make this a rest day except of course my daily meeting with Jillian. It is unbelievably hot her. Heat and humidity sap me.
  • salemnye
    salemnye Posts: 305 Member
    Reporting in for my 7/1 and I'll report in for 7/2 later today!

    So for the first of July I was 57 calories OVER my food goal without eating exercise calories back. I had about 162 calories to spare. That is it for 7-1!!!

    Edit to add daily end calorie for the day: 1,487 out of 1,649. Daily food is 1,430.
  • Tigredia
    Tigredia Posts: 107 Member
    I'd like to be accountable. I have been at this for 6 months. I've lost about 50 pounds. The first months were pretty easy. I was determined to lose this other person attached to my body. It has been attached for about 10 years.

    The last month has been a struggle. I'll eat healthy all day and then consciously sabotage myself by eating something I know I shouldn't. I eat it and then I am mad at myself. How stupid does that sound.

    I need all the accountability I can get.
  • Tigredia
    Tigredia Posts: 107 Member
    July 1 went well. Stayed under my Calorie goal and exercise calories. I have my calories set at 1000. I am seeing a doctor every month to monitor my vitals. I do eat more on days that I get a lot of exercise.
  • syly209
    syly209 Posts: 20 Member
    I'll Join. Its been a year this month that i been on my health journey. I initially lost 32 pounds but lost motivation after the death of my grandmother xmas eve. I had only gained back 15 pounds and since i started back up mid June i have lost 6 pounds. Please feel free to add me always looking for friends for support and motivation.
  • MrsMizart
    MrsMizart Posts: 1,275 Member
    Hi :) I'm new here (or new-ish, I forget when I joined...).

    Anyhoo, wanted to join in with the accountability thingy, even though after four days of being below (and that's since I've got back on here), today I've blown it.

    Had some sadness due to losing a much loved cat yesterday, although he was seventeen and his time to go, today I found out my six year old horse may be joining him in the not too distant future :(

    Not an excuse to eat rubbish, which I haven't done in a long time, but today it was a reason to let everything go. Having seen this thread though, I very much hope to be able to report in as on or under my daily goal.

    Good luck everyone!
  • tdill8890
    tdill8890 Posts: 2
    I'm in! I need to be accountable for myself! I just added a training camp to my fitness routine. I've been slacking for the last 9 months and I've gained back almost all of the weight I'd lost. :-( It really doesn't take much to gain it back. I've been having a pretty good food day but I need to eat way less carbs and more fiber. Time to kick the soda habit (again)! Friend me if you'd like. It's great to have others who are trying to get fit to talk with. My goal is to lose 60 lbs. by the end of the year.
  • salemnye
    salemnye Posts: 305 Member
    Report for 7-2!

    I'll start off with this:
    1430 GOAL
    1763 FOOD
    -867 EXERCISE
    = 896 NET

    Today I think I did pretty good. I went for a 2.35 mile walk which was great especially in the nice weather we have today. I also got my 10k fitbit steps in (I have a fitbit flex, feel free to look me up! Same username!). I don't like that I ate so much food and I'm over on my sodium by 1,500 today but I suppose it's good to eat that much if you burn it. I usually don't eat my exercise calories back but I did today. That is it for the 2nd day of the 31 days. 29 more days of accountability :)
  • DahliaBanker
    DahliaBanker Posts: 234 Member
    It it too late to join your group?
  • mks_14
    mks_14 Posts: 5
    I'm worried about staying under my calories tomorrow. My in laws always have the best food on holidays. I will eat and enjoy I just need to watch my portions. This will be a test of my will power for sure.
  • LisaBear1986
    LisaBear1986 Posts: 85 Member
    It's never too late!
  • LisaBear1986
    LisaBear1986 Posts: 85 Member
    You know...MFP recommends I have a 1240 cal diet. I'm always hungry with this caloric intake!
    Yesterday, I didn't finish my diary/tracking. I was so exhausted....between taking kids to daycare, going to work, taking kids to doctors appointments...I was beat. I was in bed by 6:30pm! And slept all night. It was wonderful sleep ;)
    So today, I am down 0.9lbs (woohoo!) but will do much better with my tracking.

    Happy tracking, healthy eating, and someone PLEASE slap me and whip me into exercise mode.