new member need support!!

Hello everyone! I just joined this program and im looking for anyone with good advice and extreme support to keep me motivated into getting a healthy lifestyle again.. my real world consists of people who would say they will push me but yet not following through showing little support. I know most of my motivation should come from me but to be honest, i feel like I need just a little help and advice to start off on the right track. so im looking into this internet life to see whose interested in helping an overweight 23 year old frustrated lady out! lol

(Old in a young body)


  • Darya_91
    Darya_91 Posts: 5 Member
    I can relate! Im 22 and think I'm at the age to be a hottie but I sure don't feel like one. I'm actually giving a vegan diet a shot and after a week I do feel more energetic and visiting my new best friend the bathroom a lot. If you are looking for a way to jump start into the healthier way of living I would say give it a shot. I really would like a buddy as well so hit me up if you ever want to chat, rant, cry, laugh I'm a pretty good listener. Hope you're doing well and congrats on taking that first scary step.


  • iamceez23
    iamceez23 Posts: 23
    Hey I will give you an add :) 22 here with some weight to lose as well. Anyone can add me also :)
  • hey Darya! I heard u with the age of being a hottie part!! For the New years, I tried being a vegetarian which lasted only a month because of the issues it caused in my profession. but during the time I was I did gained more energy but hungry and bored with food selections for the most part. I think vegan is a little too big of a step for me though.. lol I gotta start small first. thanks for the shoulder! will do!!
  • ransaka
    ransaka Posts: 135 Member

    You can achieve your goals no problem, it's simple just not always easy :)

    I'd take a look at this thread and the links in it as it's full of helpful info on how to go about losing weight:

    Feel free to hit me up with an add if you like, same goes for anyone!
  • Great link Ransaka!! will surely take notes from that! Thanx
  • hi my name is Latoya I'm new to this program. at a point in my life where I'm really ready to get fit ,and healthy very motivated to do .so. I'm willing to get advice,or suggestions from anyone with the same goal, and give it back as well. there's also nothing wrong with wanting to get your sexy back:flowerforyou: loving yourself for who you are and being healthy most important but trust me after divorce in a few pounds put on I'm ready to get back into shape:smile: please feel free to add me,and let's get going!!!
  • mks_14
    mks_14 Posts: 5
    I'm 25 and am in similar shoes! My some research on body fat breakthrough! I'm one day into Dr. Dardin's diet and workout plan. I like the diet plan because its not really a diet, it just supports the idea of eating 6 small meals a day and helps you portion your food correctly. The workout plan is hard but seems simple to follow and I'll do my first workout at the gym tomorrow. Body fat breakthrough is worth at least reading about...Good luck :-)
  • thank you I'll definitely check into that.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like! I love adding new friends to my MFP friend base and showing each other motivation and support.

    A little info:

    30 year old married woman. Have had Type One diabetes since I was 15 years old. I hate weight training, so I do pole dance for my strength training. I'm a runner working on my mileage before my first Tough Mudder in September.
    Love to cook and bake and love meeting new people to share adventures with.

    Take heart-we all hit a low at some point in our lives...strength is not never falling, it's getting up every time we do.
  • Cerakoala
    Cerakoala Posts: 2,547 Member
    Hello! Nice to meet you :) I think a lot of us feel that same way which is why we are here. :) IT is a whole community of people aiming for the same goal. :) Welcome to MFP feel free to send a friend request and we can help motivate each other :)
  • Ulwaz
    Ulwaz Posts: 380 Member
    add me if you like, always here too help :)