

  • I'm 5' 8.5" and 191lbs. I had a skin fold test about 3 weeks ago when I was at 197. My lean mass was 170 and my body fat percent was 13.5. I'm trying to burn the love handles from my 217lb days but I am shooting for mid to low 180s. 135 seems tiny.
  • My brother-in-law ran 3 miles with me the other day and lit a cig mid-way through! Yes, you can do it. You just have to get started and stay motivated. Good luck with the program and with quitting. You've made the right decision, now just make sure to follow through.
  • Actually it does. Please show me where it stays the same. Your basal rate may not change, but your overall rate does. How do you think you burn calories? Why does calorie burn increase while working out? Metabolism goes up to keep up with the energy demand. What happens when you are cold? Metabolism goes up as your body…
  • Scientifically speaking...When you eat, your body will digest the food and use it for energy first, before it goes to fat stores. Your metabolism is constantly working but it does change the way it is working based on different factors. If you eat less at night, when your metabolism is slowest because you aren't burning…
  • It absolutely changes. Here's one link with some sources cited to it. Take your own advice. There are plenty more out there.
  • Depends on the person I guess. But my 23 lbs of loss in 12 weeks and body fat drop from 19% to 13% in the same time would say its working for me, so it can't be wrong. Eating the big meal at night should make your body work harder to digest that during its valuable reparation time and MAY effect quality of sleep. Just…
  • 1000+ for dinner is high. It is the end of the day and you probably do not do enough after dinner to burn those calories. That also means that you are probably not eating enough for breakfast and lunch, which is when you need it to keep you going. Too few calories for the first two meals puts your metabolism in more of a…
  • Eating less will slow down your metabolism, and have the opposite effect of what you are looking for. It can also put you into starvation mode and you will overeat again. If you want to feel better at the end of a day of going over, do an extra bit of exercise before going to bed. Jog for half an hour, do some crunches,…