Smoker C25K

Right now I'm chuffing away. I've most likely done some damage - who hasn't being a long term smoker....but.....

...I have the podcast on my Ipod, I've tried before but, felt like I was having a coronary. I'm going to quit January, I'm sure with a lot of others - so my question is...

...have any of you been long term smokers and completed the C25K?

I would love to complete it but, I don't know whether it is out of my reach being a jubbly lady AND a smoker? Ex smoker come Jan.

Any inspirational posts or words of encouragement welcome.



  • cw1710
    My brother-in-law ran 3 miles with me the other day and lit a cig mid-way through! Yes, you can do it. You just have to get started and stay motivated. Good luck with the program and with quitting. You've made the right decision, now just make sure to follow through.
  • FlippinNora
    FlippinNora Posts: 41 Member
    My brother-in-law ran 3 miles with me the other day and lit a cig mid-way through! Yes, you can do it. You just have to get started and stay motivated. Good luck with the program and with quitting. You've made the right decision, now just make sure to follow through.

    Thanks so much, I don't think I'll be as hardcore as your BiL as I'm hoping to quit...but, that's given me hope.

    PS he's a nutter!
  • phoenixgirl81
    phoenixgirl81 Posts: 309 Member
    I quit smoking last February when I got diagnosed with early stage cancer (yep. I know. Too late). I quit cold turkey. Last month I completed my first 5 km race when I still weighed 104 kg. It's doable. I run slower than I think can really be called running..more like jogging...but the c25k program is brilliant. Trust it.