Day after a high calorie day.



  • itsuki
    itsuki Posts: 520 Member
    Considering you're usually under by several hundred calories (according to your diary anyway!) you don't need to eat less today.
  • Rachlmale
    Rachlmale Posts: 640 Member
    You usually net extremely low anyway - do you follow them days by eating more? Take each day as it comes and move on.
  • prokomds
    prokomds Posts: 318 Member
    You can try and "make up" for it today, but there are a couple things to keep in mind. If you cut back today, is that going to make you grumpy/miserable? Worse yet, is being low today going to make you more likely to binge later? You obviously know yourself better than anyone

    I'm a bit of a mess if I'm under my daily calories by more than 200ish, so I would never dramatically cut back to recover from a bad day. I know it averages out, more or less, and try not to worry about it too much. Good luck!
  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member
    Make sure you get back the your normal habits. The concern is not one day, but if you back slide into old habits over a longer term.

    Relax, bad day happen, just don't repeat them too often.

  • NO

    please go learn some basic information about your metabolism. It is not a Yo Yo and does not slow or speed up very easily.
    It absolutely changes. Here's one link with some sources cited to it. Take your own advice. There are plenty more out there.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
  • trdepalo
    trdepalo Posts: 106
    You can keep going, or eat less, or work out harder -- whatever you want it's personal preference! For me, I like to make sure the day after is healthy and low on sodium but still at the same amount of calories I should be eating. For me, autocorrecting with extra workouts or lower calories make me crazy, but keeping sodium down makes me feel healthier and less bloated but not deprived.
  • trdepalo
    trdepalo Posts: 106
    Also lot's of water makes me feel better, but that's just every day.
  • katieuk
    katieuk Posts: 304 Member
    Hi there, this is always a difficult one psychologically, however, realistically I think that the day after a "bad" day you should just stick to you usual goal.

    I will try and pick less sugary options the following day, and eat cleaner than normal e.g. maybe no potatoes / rice / pasta and just stick to meat and veg, fruit etc. But generally I am not strick on myself, just get back on track, and I will also tend to exercise the day after a bad day as well because obviously that will make up some kcals.

    We are on a restrictive calorie intake anyway in order to lose our desired goal, so we shouldn't restrict even more just because we had a bad day. Like a lot of people have already said, restricting more may make you mardy / crave more / tired, it isn't worth it, you are more likely to cave that day as well because you are restricting so much.

    My advice is: there is nothing wrong with having a cheat we live once provided we are good 80% of the time it doesn't hurt to enjoy abit of what we like, remember that the daily goal rate is for you to lose although you might be over that are you over you maintenance figure because if not then it isn't a massive deal, if you are then provided you get back on track (and you were 3500 kcal + over) then you will be fine.

    We can't stress about having a bit of fun and breaking the goal every once in a while, remember stress inhibits weight loss :-)

    Chin up - just get back on track!!

  • Eating less will slow down your metabolism, and have the opposite effect of what you are looking for. It can also put you into starvation mode and you will overeat again. If you want to feel better at the end of a day of going over, do an extra bit of exercise before going to bed. Jog for half an hour, do some crunches, ride a bike, etc. Just a few simple, short exercises to get your metabolism up will help you burn those extra calories for recovery while sleeping.


    please go learn some basic information about your metabolism. It is not a Yo Yo and does not slow or speed up very easily.

    Actually it does. Please show me where it stays the same. Your basal rate may not change, but your overall rate does. How do you think you burn calories? Why does calorie burn increase while working out? Metabolism goes up to keep up with the energy demand. What happens when you are cold? Metabolism goes up as your body makes heat to keep you warm. Muscle mass increases increase metabolism. Metabolism is always changing all day every day.
  • I just had a pretty normal day - well apart from the Daim bar!

    Going to start doing more exercise and I have some weights that are heavy (to me!!) that I am going to find a routine for.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    Eating less will slow down your metabolism, and have the opposite effect of what you are looking for. It can also put you into starvation mode and you will overeat again. If you want to feel better at the end of a day of going over, do an extra bit of exercise before going to bed. Jog for half an hour, do some crunches, ride a bike, etc. Just a few simple, short exercises to get your metabolism up will help you burn those extra calories for recovery while sleeping.


    please go learn some basic information about your metabolism. It is not a Yo Yo and does not slow or speed up very easily.
    Actually you're wrong. Overall calorie consumption does alter your metabolism. However the "starvation mode" is widely OVERBLOWN!
  • realdog2usa
    realdog2usa Posts: 29 Member
    ditto, and carry on soldier... hold yourself to a healthy standard... self-discipline isn't always easy for me... I ask myself often... when I need to do one more sit-up, one more push-up, one more Holiday Shred... HOW BAD DO I WANT THIS!!!!! and I see progress... and it becomes every bit worth it.... Do I feel better than I did last week, last month, last year! You BET!!!

  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Eating less will slow down your metabolism, and have the opposite effect of what you are looking for. It can also put you into starvation mode and you will overeat again. If you want to feel better at the end of a day of going over, do an extra bit of exercise before going to bed. Jog for half an hour, do some crunches, ride a bike, etc. Just a few simple, short exercises to get your metabolism up will help you burn those extra calories for recovery while sleeping.


    please go learn some basic information about your metabolism. It is not a Yo Yo and does not slow or speed up very easily.
    Actually you're wrong. Overall calorie consumption does alter your metabolism.

    with one day of over eating? bull$hit
  • Eat normal, workout a little more.