m1oscar Member


  • Will send requests to you guys! This is exactly what I need. I've gained 20# in one year purely as a result of emotional eating after my father went through pretty serious health issues. He is great now and I'm feeling like a blob in need of motivation! I ride my bike and walk/run/walk pretty regularly. Just turned 46 and…
  • Hi ceciliaruns! I learned about the 5:2 from my mom who has yo-yo dieted her entire life...that is up until she started 5:2 fasting. She has been doing it for over two years now with great success and claims it is the easiest eating plan she has ever done- and she has done them all! Today is my 6th fast day since starting…
  • You will need to try different things to see what works best for you. I try to have a 200 calorie lunch of tuna, a bagel thin and lettuce then snacks in the late afternoon like a bit of cottage cheese or almonds then a light dinner around 200 calories with plenty of veggies. Tilapia and green beans for my meal tonight. I…
  • Runner here- been at it for 13 years! I ran 10 half marathons last year- this year I am working on speed and loving it! Sending requests to you guys! :)
  • hahahahahaha! Seriously laughing here. I am amazed every single day by the stupidity I see on the interwebs! Can't believe there are some actual replies in here- you only have to read these message boards for a hot minute to 'get' this post!!! 8-O
  • I am with these other ladies- it is music or bust for me!! Dead ipod = turn around and go home. :) I am always getting new music and also really enjoy podcasts! My treadmill at home has a TV on it and I am known to watch the tv, while listening to music on my ipod while I play words with friends...seriously- anything to…
  • Oops! I am in Charlotte, so I am not really Eastern NC but I LOVE the beach and want to live there one day! :) I am here because I want to manage my weight in a sustainable long term way. I would like to lose about 8-10 pounds from where I am. If I can lose more and sustain it without starving- that is fine too! I have an…
  • There is even a fitbit user group on this site. :) I love mine- just got it a week ago. I am kind of a gadget nerd and anything that motivates me is worth the $. It has really shown me the huge difference in my calorie burns when I sit at my desk all day vs. days I am working out in the field, and weekends. I have been…
    in Fitbit Comment by m1oscar January 2013
  • I am 5'-8" and have found that once I get in the 140's it is very hard to stay there- I am about 8 pounds away (158cw) and trying to get to a place where I can maintain indefinitely! Feel free to add me as a friend! I am encouraged by others losses and would love the support!
  • Very interesting! I certainly want to eat more and lose weight...the 1200 calories MFP set me at is killing me. I run and exercise a good deal (minimum 5x per week and often long runs). Most days I end up eating under 1200 a tiny bit and almost never eat all of the earned exercise calories. The scooby calculator says I…
  • Holy Smokes!! So very inspiring! These success stories are very helpful for me! My 10-12# I am trying to lose quickly seem like childs play and that is the kick I need!! Thank you! PS- You look great!
  • Excellent post, awesome progress and words to live by! I have long felt that the only plan that will work for me is one I can sustain long term. Staying active without being obsessive and enjoying life and food without going overboard. Vigilant consistency...and the ability to quickly get back on track after normal…
  • Please add me! I need to be held accountable!!!! Thank You!
  • 1. I ran 10 Half Marathons this year (goal was 12...) 2. Bought a treadmill 3. Cut way back on diet sodas... That is pretty much it! Fell off the wagon this holiday season in terms of weight so I am climbing back on - again. Glad I found this community!