Accountability partners

I posted this earlier in the wrong area so I'm reposting here.
I am looking for accountability partners to be a support and to support on our journeys to better health. This is my first month and I'm just getting the hang of the site, but I find I do better with moral support and people I can relate to.
Here's about me: I am 39 and teach preschool. I have three children and married. Last week I found out I am diabetic(type 1.5), have PCOS and hypothyroidism. I enjoy cheesy quotes, and making others feel good about themselves. I look forward to being partners with you.
-I feel like I just put out a want ad for friends. Lol. Have a great day


  • cosmonew
    cosmonew Posts: 513 Member
    I love accountability partners. I will send you a friend request. I am 45, have lost about 35lbs in not quite 4 months and do both calorie restrictions and exercise. I am always looking for more positive people in my feed. I am currently 5'4" 141 lbs.
  • mariejoymiller
    mariejoymiller Posts: 20 Member
    I could definitely use accountability partners. I have been off and on with weight loss more then I care to remember. I start great but have difficulty maintaining. I'm 48 years old and need to lose a good 50lbs maybe more. My health is starting to feel the hurt of poor emotional eating. I had my gallbladder removed almost 2 years ago and take medication daily for stomach issues that allows me to eat fatty foods not good. Professionally I support others but just am not good at supporting myself.
  • SapphireMoon23
    SapphireMoon23 Posts: 139 Member
    I'm Isabel. 45, 5'6", Central Florida USA.
    I weighed the most of 223 lbs. Lost 56. Gained some back. Lost 20 lbs this yr. Yay! My goal is 140. I'm alot more steady now.
    I realized that i was eating back all the calories i was burning during cardio & strength training. For a yr i had plateaued! It was so frustrating. I hadn't been using this app properly. :-(
    So reset my goals, Not very active & lose 1 lb per wk. I'm seeing results now that I'm weighing everything & entering everything on mfp.
    I can definitely use some motivation & acctability buddies. :smile:
  • SapphireMoon23
    SapphireMoon23 Posts: 139 Member
    I could definitely use accountability partners. I have been off and on with weight loss more then I care to remember. I start great but have difficulty maintaining. I'm 48 years old and need to lose a good 50lbs maybe more. My health is starting to feel the hurt of poor emotional eating. I had my gallbladder removed almost 2 years ago and take medication daily for stomach issues that allows me to eat fatty foods not good. Professionally I support others but just am not good at supporting myself.

    Just curious, would Lypo Gold enzymes help you digest fats better?

    I had a blood cell analysis done and was told my intestines were not digesting fat properly and that I had leaky gut syndrome. In a few months I will go back and get another blood cell analysis done as a follow-up.
  • m1oscar
    m1oscar Posts: 44 Member
    Will send requests to you guys! This is exactly what I need. I've gained 20# in one year purely as a result of emotional eating after my father went through pretty serious health issues. He is great now and I'm feeling like a blob in need of motivation! I ride my bike and walk/run/walk pretty regularly. Just turned 46 and have a son in high school...time to focus on my health and feeling better again! I do so much better with partners on similar journeys- I get inspired by the success of others. Good luck!