kerridonnally Member


  • right on! I'm a juvenile diabetic, diagnosed at 9 years of age and have hormonal imbalances that wreak havoc on my weight and cause problems with weight loss. It's also not easy as you get older either. What works for one may not work for another. Qsymia is just an appetite suppressant and nothing wrong with trying…
  • I just started Qsymia about a week ago now, haven't weighed yet but struggled through thxgiving so I'm giving it a little time. I'm having heart burn more than normal that's for sure. But yes appetite suppression is working some.
  • I have P90X unopened if anyone wants to buy it from me. contact me.
  • Anyone wants to buy a p90x I have an unopened one. Contact me.
  • I was just about to post something similar. You are so right!!! I'm staring right now, but then again I don't have over 800 calories left for the day. Nighttime sucks!! I'm just going to go to sleep!! Nighty Night.
  • I don't even know what to say to this. You are awesome!! It must be so scary to venture out and really try to succeed at this. I know it seems like the odds are stacked against you when you are starting out so far away from your goal (I got up to 300 lbs), but you ARE really doing it. Congrats, you deserve to feel good…
  • would love to join as well. I have plenty to lose and would love the support as well. Would love to share experiences with others.
  • I'm, a type 1 diabetic, have been for 25 years. Cheesecake is the best sweet to have when your diabetic because it is low in sugar. There are also loads of sf (sugar free) candies on the market now that will satisfy the urge too. I do mashed cauliflower like I would do mashed potatoes and they are great! Just have to find…