ArchangelMJ Member


  • What kind of birth control do you use and would you say it prevents bloating/weight gain associated with menstruation? I'm on and off with an ED as well and I find that period gain is one of the most triggering factors. I can gain as much as 8 lbs before and during my period and it friggin' sucks. I've not considered birth…
  • I adore games, most of my favorites are from the PS2 generation. I'm currently replaying Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne, but some of my other favorites are: - Final Fantasy X and X-2 (actually, these are my ultimate fav) - Xenosaga trilogy - Kinetica - Kingdom Hearts I and II - Metal Gear Solid 3 - Ico - Shadow of the…
  • Agreed! Thank you for expanding on polyamory. Polyamorous relationships are often seen as inferior or lumped into the "sexual deviant" field of stereotypes. Real polyamory doesn't involve weird power dynamics or abuse of any kind and all partners are consenting and open as they'd be in a healthy monogamous relationship.…
  • There are people in this thread who seem to lack a basic understanding of sexual orientation. Bisexuality means a person can be sexually attracted to either men or women (and of course romantic attraction often comes into play, if not moreso, as in any orientation - it frustrates the hell out of me when gay and bi people…
  • Sexuality IS defined by attraction, point blank. This applies to all sexualities. Sexuality is about ATTRACTION, not action.
  • I've identified as asexual since I was about 12 or 13. I'm also aromantic. Some asexuals don't consider themselves "queer" or a part of the LGBT community but I do. We are all different, non-heteronormative people and I think we should unite in our differences and support one another.
  • Hm...*strokes chin* You know what, that IS adorable. Where is this young man located? LOL, just kidding. (but, nah, lemme get a notebook and pen :3 :wink: )
  • Cellulite is my worst enemy. It's awful on my booty and the back of my thighs, and it sure is RESILIENT. The struggle is real. T_T
  • If you have some place nearby that has a staircase, that's a good option! I've been going up and down my building's 8 floors almost everyday for the past 10 months. I take two steps at time so that it really offers resistance and I alternate legs with each "lap" up the stairs. I do between 5 -10 laps. It ends up being a…
  • To be honest, I constantly wonder the same thing. Whenever I try a new workout and people are like "Oh, it gets better after day 3 or 4 or 10 or whatever. I'm like, bish, WHERE!? 'Cause I swear I can do a workout that I deem challenging for myself for months and it doesn't appear to get any easier so I stay going at the…
  • Prancercize!? Hmmmm. YEAH, kinda, but what I mean is more um, intense? I'm really just referring to skipping that you associate with childhood. Course, you could put ANY spin/rhythm to it, and do it at any pace. I skip to music so I naturally move to the beat/cadence of the song.
  • Not relying on others for your motivation is important, but so is just finding something active you enjoy. I feel like a lot of people try to force themselves to do workout routines they hate and then can't siphon the motivation to do it consistently. If you can find one thing you look forward to doing each day, that's a…
  • I usually make them by cutting them into large cubes, baking them, and frying them in a pan with garlic, raw sugar, sesame oil and soy sauce, finished with a toss in some toasted sesame seeds. The bomb dot com.
  • Exactly my point, I completely agree, thank you! SO glad someone understood what I was getting at.
  • I know what you mean, but for this particular instance, there's nothing someone in gym can know about you from observation beyond your appearance anyway. So calling someone a trophy wife doesn't even really mean anything beyond "pretty" (in a more b****y way of course) because the observer can not possibly know the…
  • I think there are differences and nuances in the realm of insults, sure I do.
  • I completely agree. I don't call people names either unless I'm upset or feel they deserve it, or I'm just joking. Pretty sure most people work in a similar format. I'm not saying it's okay to make offensive remarks about someones looks, I just think that people made a mountain out of a molehill here.
  • I know what the words mean, friend, I just don't think they are *that* scathing as some are implying. I'd rather be called a trophy wife/meathead because someone is being envious of my body rather than be called a pig because someone is disgusted by it - but hey, that's just me.
  • Right, though!? This is so weird. The topic creator obviously isn't that serious about enforcing weight restrictions on gym memberships, she is VENTING about an INSECURITY, and so many people attacked her for it. It makes no sense to me considering this is a website for weightloss and fitness - people act like what she…
  • How can anyone in their right mind support poaching of endangered species? it's sickening and horrible. There are some scenarios that are complex and difficult to solve, such as impoverished villages being forced to hunt sea turtles for food - that is understandable though obviously not ideal. But so much poaching is done…
  • I'm not attracted to either gender in such a way, but I've always thought guys on the smaller side were more beautiful and elegant. When you get very bulky, the person loses the lovely body lines and form of their silhouette that is so appealing, in my opinion. I vastly prefer Spider-Man's body to Super-Man or the Hulk,…
  • I love strawberry blonde! If I was going to dye my hair again it'd probably be bright red (my favorite) or strawberry blonde.
  • Definitely Maleficent, she's a bad bish and I love those horns.
  • T-elos form Xenosaga Episode III.
  • I love Spider-Man! Sexiest superhero by far! ^_^
  • Sure! (Only if up for doing something "childish" though, like playing video games, lol)
  • I think it would really depend on the guy. If he has nice legs and isn't overly top heavy, I think he'd look fine nakey with shoes. But I don't think anyone looks right totally naked with just shoes on, personally.
  • Well, I'm 23 and I haven't "done it", but I'm also asexual so there's that... Even if I wasn't asexual, I still couldn't imagine having sex with someone without being in a committed relationship and being, ya know, in love.