

  • I'm currently 10 pounds heavier than the lightest I was in high school, but I'm also two pants size smaller. I didn't exercise back then, just try to eat nothing. If anything, I feel much healthier and attractive now than I have in my entire life. (Always been somewhat chubby.) Still working on losing, but am pretty proud…
  • I'm already doing my dream cosplays, but I'd sure love to lose about 30 lbs to look even better doing it. I'm not much for props, I'm much more for good makeup/fitting the costume well/awesome hair. (I use my real hair, so enjoy that challenge.) But yea, it's Saber from Fate/Stay Night. I guess I wouldn't mind doing her…
  • Wow, three weeks? I've been on a three month plateau. I've tried raising calories for a while then dropping, trying new exercises, everything. Finally just decided to lower my calories, stick to that, and try some squats. We'll see how it goes.
  • I wanted to post in here before, but had no reason to! Now I have pictures from Kumoricon from September, 2013. It was in Vancouver, WA. This is me cosplaying Saber from Fate/Stay Night and Zero. I am about 135 lbs here, the lightest and most fit I've been in ages. I hope to reach 130 before December for Newcon in…
  • I just finished 5k to 8k and I ensure I am hydrated and don't have to carry water. I've read that once you reach 90 minutes of running, then you need to worry about carrying water. Make sure to drink your 8+ cups of water spread throughout the day, and not just before running, too.
  • I've actually lost about 24 lbs and am going as three versions of Saber from Fate/Stay Night to Sakuracon (Seattle) in March. I would like to lose a few more pounds to fit into the costumes better, but I want to finally cosplay (as I am already 25). I tell myself if I lose weight, then I will get my costumes again in a…