

  • Hilarious! Thanks, I needed that :) ~Jenn
  • I read this one: I go to church with this gal and just love her passion for change. I haven't really researched the web for anything else yet. ~Jenn
  • I understand how you feel. My MIL has tremendous self esteem issues when it comes to her weight. Her mother would even tell her the same "saggy skin" thing, that she looked better when her skin was a little more full. I lost my baby weight with my first baby back in 2006, and my MIL told me I was scary skinny. I weighed…
  • If this website goes by your weight to calculate calories burned, I would use the website amount. If your exercise machine uses your weight, use the machine's amount. If they both use your weight, I would still choose the website's calculations based on the fact that this site uses your gender and age in addition to weight.