Hi all hope everyone is happy today. Or remember this to will pass. But we have to work at it. I was diagnosed about 6 years or when I was 50. I was a great load off of my mind what was wrong with me. Most just called me an alcoholic. I know I am one, but I always knew something else was happening to me> I did all the work…
I'm bipolar so I know what y'all are going through. More to follow. Wife taped the bachelorette so its time to watch it. :smile: But I have found exercise helps.
I to have the same problem. Do good all day, then lose it at night. Very disheartening. Hope to get some good advice.
10th 5.5 11th 4.5 July total so far. 42.9
9th 5.5
* 8th 2mi
Hi Only 1 mi. having low back pain & muscle spasms. Did do some stretching & back exercises.
Hello did 5.5 mi.:happy:
Happy 4th! only got in 2 mi. today slept in.
I use Runtastic and my calorie burn seems to be a lot higher. I use it when I walk. Other people in my friends list also walk not sure what they are using, but mine are always higher when we both have close to the same time.
Count me in also. I walk my dog twice a day 3.5 in the morning and 2 miles in the evening if its not to hot.
Hello, I write down my daily goal and measure from there, not after they go up after exercising. Don't give up. You can add me as a friend if you like. John
Hi every one. I'm bipolar. On Limactil, Cymbalta, and Buspar. I was diagnosed a few years ago and it was a great relief to finally know what was happening to me. They called me an alcoholic and drug addict. So I went to AA and NA gathere up clean time several years during the 80's and 90's. Used the alcohol and drugs to…
Hi all its good to know I'm not alone. I have suffered for bipolar disorder for most of my life and didn't know it till I was around 50. I used alcohol and drugs to control the ups and downs. I was good at it so I thought. Tried AA & NA, had a few years of sobriety during several times during the 80's and 90's, but it…
Hi Kelly, I'm in the same boat. Thank God its a big boat:laugh: . I track everything also. You are right no one really understands untill they walk in our shoes. Hang in there. Add me as a friend if you like. John
HI thanks for the note. I have pre diabetes and have had a heart attack. I know from experience that saying NO is hard, but it does get easier one day at a time. You can add me as a friend if you like. John
Wow 76 lbs impressive. I have 100 + to loose, but already under 300! Thanks