katieai Member


  • I have the reminders turned on via the iPhone app. If I haven't logged breakfast before 11 am, I get a notification. Same thing if I haven't logged dinner by like 7 pm. I can be forgetful, so this is what keeps me accountable.
  • Okay so it sounds like I was over-complicating this thing. Run until I'm sweaty and out of breath, but stop before I see stars and/or vomit. Got it, easy enough! Thanks guys!
  • I'm looking to lose about 50 pounds as well, and am also trying to stay motivated. Feel free to add me as a friend, if you'd like!
  • Being vegan is thousand times more difficult than being vegetarian. Eggs and milk are in everything, I feel like. You may find that if you add the dairy back into your diet (gradually) you may be able to more easily fill your nutrient needs and not feel like your throwing your ethical ideals out the window (if that's a…
  • This is a tough situation, I'm sorry. Could you maybe tell her that this sort of food gives you a stomach ache these days and you just need to avoid it? Maybe then, because she's your momma and she doesn't want you to not feel well, she will let you off the hook? I mean, if you're okay with it every now and again, go for…
    in Grrr! Rant! Comment by katieai July 2014
  • I've been a vegetarian since I was 8, so I've been fighting the protein fight for 17 years. Here are some of my go to sources: Eggs (hard boiled is convenient) Peanut butter Beans (my life) Lentils Quinoa Greek yogurt (twice the protein of regular) Light string cheese Lowfat milk Chia seeds (high protein and fiber) Trail…
  • I think it sort of depends on your starting and goal weight. I am 5'4 1/2" and have 40 more pounds to lose. I am doing 1200 calories per day and am exercising 5 days per week. I am also like you where I have been overweight (not drastically but sometimes significantly) since childhood. Feel free to add me if you'd like!…
  • One time, during a pedicure, my nail tech asked me how far along I was and I was definitely not pregnant. It made for an awkwardly silent pedi, after that.
  • I think in this journey, you gotta choose your battles. Personally, I choose to not battle the fruit thing. I LOVE fruit! Especially this time of year when all of the berries and melons are in season. I rationalize it this way: I eat quite healthy the majority of the time. I do not do "cheat days" or even "cheat meals",…
  • Today I will be running stairs. My current regiment includes a body-weight circuit (squats, lunges, push-ups, planks, jumping jacks, dumbbell rows) and abs. I do this Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Tuesday and Thursday I run stairs. I always try to incorporate a little yoga here and there, as well. I don't have a gym…
  • My husband can eat QUADRUPLE the number of calories I consume and still lose weight faster than me. He also has much, much more muscle mass and is MALE! His body is not designed to bear children and breastfeed, like ours are. It goes back to caveman days. He needs mass quantities of food so that he can run out into the…
  • I'm new to this scene, as well so I'm probably not qualified to give advice (but I still will, ha!). I started by calculating how many calories per day I was going to allow myself (my goal is around 1300). Then I went grocery shopping and read the labels on everything I put in the cart. Load up on veggies and fruit, whole…
  • I am 5'4 1/2" and my goal weight is 150. I have a naturally larger frame and have been 150 before and been satisfied with that size. I'm curvy by nature (baby-bearing hips and D cup bust) and do wish to keep an hourglass figure, just a little (okay, a LOT) less padding, please. 42 more pounds to go... ;)
  • I have a goal of 50 pounds exactly. I'm 8 pounds down, so 42 to go. I'm 25, married with two kiddos and live in Southern California. Add me, if you'd like!
  • Today is day 11 for me. I've been eating around 1200 calories and doing cardio workouts 4-5 times per week and have lost 7 pounds thus far. I weigh myself every morning in just my underwear. Weighing daily keeps me accountable for the food I eat the day before and I'm able to see how certain foods and/or eating patterns…
  • Holy crap-o-la!! I've been a vegetarian for 17 years and have a hard time finding vegetarian recipes that aren't hippy'd out, if you know what I mean. This is gold!
  • Will be trying these soon!
  • I'm starting today, as well! Has anyone had success with this program? I've always HATED to run and would give anything to be one of those women who loves it. I'm hoping for good results!
  • I just started a few days ago and am almost 25. Would love to have some friends, as well!