Since March, 126,000 ;)
Currently married but i can't change the name! Haha
Cool lady
Welcome! I too have been getting fit for life (and my wedding as well) already down 21 lbs. Message or add me. I love new motivational partners. :)
I'm 113 days away! August 29th. Congratulations btw! Any other brides are welcome to add me
5'4.3/4 (hahaha I know that's what my doctor said and I was like *Damn* So close) I looked great at 135 but i would like to get to 120/115.
I lol'd hard.
What should I have for lunch?
true I've never not loved adult cartoons (aka southpark, family guy, archer, etc.)
I feel like we could be wine buddies
pillow fights always end up topless (according to internet studies I've seen, or maybe that was just porn)
Shots, Shirts, and Shitloads of awesome!
@haloandhorns69 You are just so pretty lol
Ons, Marry, Date. LOL
You are beautiful, but no crush. :(
This. Everything about this is true and made me literally Laugh Out Loud.
My fitbit is the *kitten*. Best gift I ever got. And you just learn so much while using it. Inbox me if you have any questions.
Thank you all very much. I really appreciate the help and you've put my mind at ease.
I am marrying my best friend Aug. 29th. I'm from NC, love to meet others and share goals and support! Add me if interested :) Look forward to getting know all of you and sharing these wonderful journeys to health, happiness, and marriage!
I won't miss being self conscious about being naked or having sex with my fiance (lord knows I love the exercise haha!) I won't miss being embarrassed to exercise in front of other people cause i'm breathing to loudly or having to stop moving because i'm tired. I won't miss being worried about pictures being taken. WOO go…
I agree. I add in how much wine I am going to want to drink into my daily goals, so it allows me the ability to enjoy a losing weight and enjoy my spirits. I weigh a glass to see how many oz it is so I can incorporate those calories, and once i've run out I stop.
P90X Cardio for 43 mins And I'm about to do 10 minutes of dance.
I'm @DjHottness. Following many of you. If you follow me I follow back :)
Yeah its been a couple hours now and my legs feel awesome.