olliebourque Member


  • Yes, I really do like to walk and I enjoy all of my meals. I take a few vitamins with my lunch and I drink lots of liquids. I sleep very well and I'm not fretting the weight. It will come off as long as I stay the course. Thanks for the tips but I'm not a biker - I'm a walker. ;-)
  • Thanks for the advice. I think I'm getting enough protein as I my muscle tone seems to be getting better. The walking helps. Good luck on reaching your goals!
  • When you reduce your calories to such a low level, your body assumes that you are starving and starts shutting down functions. Net result is a plateau. Do some research and find out how many calories you should be eating to maintain weight. Probably in the 2300 calories per day weight. Then eat about 500 calories less per…
  • Wake up at 7, feed the cats, have a coffee Read my mail and news online Have breakfast, brush teeth, clean up Walk to coffee shop 1.1 miles away and have second coffee, do crossword and Soduku Walk extra on a nice day. Average calorie burn 350 calories per day
  • Green Tea is reputed to speed up your body's metabolism and helps you to burn a few more calories. I have one a day, without sugar. I have 2 coffees a day. I have my wake up coffee, eat breakfast then I walk to the coffee shop (about a mile) and back to have my second coffee. (One cream only) I factor it into my daily…
  • Congratulations! Keep up the good work!
  • As you lose weight, you have to reduce your calorie intake since you burn less because you are lighter. Recalculate at every 10 pound interval. Also, make sure that you eat the full amount of calories that you have set. Eating too little slows down the metabolism and you plateau. Green Tea is also good to speed up your…
  • Congratulations! You've found what works for you. Keep up the good work!
  • You say you are eating 1500 - 1600 calories a day and doing heavy lifting? How many calories are you burning while lifting? Let's say you burn 500 calories heavy lifting. Subtract that from the 1500 and you have a net of 1000 calories. You have to replace the calories burned to keep your net intake at 1500. Perhaps you…