74 lbs down since 1/14

RobertHendrix Posts: 98 Member
Everyone has that moment were they finally decide to mak a change. Mine happened in Aug 2012 when I went to have a physical for work and weighed in at 489lbs. When I heard the number it didn't register as almost 500lbs but for some reason I looked at it and thought wow I am 11lbs from 1/4 ton and to me 1/4 ton sounds like so much more than 500lbs. We also had a carnival at work around this time and there was a picture posted on our Sharepoint of me and one of my coworkers and looking at it I imagined a giant troll there to devour her for a snack so I decided then and there to change. I wanted to join the gym at that point but knew from past experiences that there was a high possibility that I wouldn't stick with this and as time passed would return to my old way of thinking so I made a deal with my wife that if I could get under 450lbs by the 1st of the year I was going to join the gym as well as spend an extra $350 to join a program the gym was offering called Lose Big 2.0. On 1/1/13 I weighed in at 448 so I joined the gym and signed up for the Lose Big 2.0 program.

The program lasted 12 weeks and provided 3 sessions with a nutritionist, 3 sessions with a life coach, adn then 3 1hour sessions a week with a trainer. I started the program on 1/14 and in the first session with the nutritionist was introduced to MFP to be able to track food/exercise and so that my trainer could view my entries as well. As I read all the success stories post I decided to take progress pictures and figured I would take new ones every 50lbs lost. During the 12 week lose big program I lost 55lbs and ended up being the biggest loser. The prize for winning turned out to be I could do the next Lose Big 12 week session for free, so I a now in my 3rd week of that session and have more motivation to win again to keep doing the program for as long as I can.

Besides the weight loss this adventure has provided so much more. I am a type 2 diabetic and before starting this it was no where close to being under control. I had an A1c of 11.1, my fasting tests in the mornings were around 240 and would spike to 500+ after meals. I had high BP and cholosterol and at that physical I had failed all 4 of the biometric screenings that was required to receive a discount on insurance at work (BMI, Fasting BS, BP, LCL). I had the 4 biometric screenings for this year last month and passed all 4 (If you don't meet the healthy BMI you can still pass by lowering your BMI by atleast 2 points from the previous year) and I have been taken off all of my diabetic/BP medications by my doctor. My wife has also joined in on the healthy eating and has dropped almost 40lbs herself.

Well enough story time for some pictures. Picture on left was from that carnival in August when I was at 489. Picture on right is when I hit 399 and I am wearing the same shirt in both pictures although I couldn't come close to buttoning it in the first one. Second set of pictures is the first set of progress pictures I took after starting the Lose Big program. I had already lost 20 lbs when I took the pictures and then the first 50lb loss mark.




  • olliebourque
    olliebourque Posts: 10 Member
    Congratulations! You've found what works for you. Keep up the good work!
  • Happymom83
    Happymom83 Posts: 405 Member
    Amazing amazing amazing! great job :)
  • Amazing! keep up the great work! Very proud of you for finding your internal motivation and working it!:drinker: cheers!
  • springs47
    springs47 Posts: 82 Member
    That is awesome!! WELL DONE! :smile:
  • tsherm3850
    tsherm3850 Posts: 353 Member
    Nice work, my friend! You have a great attitude and you're quite dedicated at winning the second Lose Big. Keep at it.
  • lheaton
    lheaton Posts: 51 Member
    GREAT JOB! Keep up the amazing work!!!
  • hillary71
    hillary71 Posts: 8 Member
    Wow! Awesome job! Way to take control of your life:)
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss so far, you are looking great.

    And well done for getting your health back on track also!!!

    Wishing your wife well also, and congrats to her for her weight loss too!

    sounds like you are both working hard, good luck with your ongoing goals!
  • turkeyhunter60
    turkeyhunter60 Posts: 319 Member
    Way to go! Definitely on the right track!
  • BigMech
    BigMech Posts: 472 Member
    Great work man, just stick to the program and you will get there!

    Our starting points are very similar. I started at 490lbs at 6'6" when I was 37. I've now been at 240 for about a year and half, and I'll turn 41 this month.
  • kara2
    kara2 Posts: 83 Member
    Amazing story. I am going to share this with my husband to show him that he can do this as well. Thanks for sharing.
  • jacque930
    jacque930 Posts: 122 Member
    Great Job on your progress and making the change for yourself!
    Thanks for sharing your story on MFP.. very inspirational.

    That is great that your wife has decided to do this with you. It helps to be doing this along with other friends, family, etc.

    Keep it up!
  • marathon64
    marathon64 Posts: 378 Member
    You are a SUPERSTAR!!!!!!!! Keep up the great work!!
  • jdub224
    jdub224 Posts: 120
    Wow,, awesome job!! keep it up!!.
  • BL_Mark
    BL_Mark Posts: 183 Member
  • runningagainstmyself
    runningagainstmyself Posts: 616 Member
    Many congratulations!!!
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    Dude! You ROCK! Amazing!
  • smily_001
    smily_001 Posts: 131 Member
    AMAZING!!! You are such a inspiration!
  • llabbott77
    llabbott77 Posts: 24
    Congratulations! Thank you so much for sharing your story it is truly inspiring!
  • nickgarner6
    nickgarner6 Posts: 106 Member
    Awesome job!
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