Back on the diet trail again but this time it's LCHF diet

Oh no! NOT another diet? Say it isn't so. OK, then. Here's my tale. I've been fighting the weight that keeps creeping up on me and every year I lose 10 lbs or so on a diet but it comes back. Well last year was a little different. I started experimenting with cutting carbs and only half of it came back. This year I've started Low Carb High Fat diet in earnest and the weight seems to be melting off of me, especially since I've reduced the calories from sugar. I started at 199.5 lbs on April 28 and today (May 17) I weighed in at 191.5 lbs for a total of 8 pound lost. Now that i am retired I can do a lot of walking and I walk almost every day for a couple of hours at a rate of 2.5 miles per hour so in only 2 hours I can walk 5 miles. I look forward to my morning strolls. I have a pedometer on my phone that tracks the calories burned which I enter into my Fitness pal. I try to keep my net calories for the day around 1700. That seems to be where I lose the fastest. I know that they say on a low carb diet you don't have to count calories but I do to avoid carb creep, mostly. So, let's see if I can keep this going, successfully and get down to a lower weight. I'm just about to break through the 190 lb barrier.


  • Iron_Rose
    Iron_Rose Posts: 228 Member
    Cutting carbs is great! But don't forget to keep your protein up or you will lose precious muscle as you lose weight! Adult males are supposed to have a minimum of 70 grams of protein or more. It can be a bit of a struggle, but high protein helps your body burn the bit of carbs you do take in and levels out your blood sugar to keep it from dropping (and having cravings!)
  • olliebourque
    olliebourque Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for the advice. I think I'm getting enough protein as I my muscle tone seems to be getting better. The walking helps. Good luck on reaching your goals!
  • segovm
    segovm Posts: 512 Member
    Hi there! So any "diet" you like is a good thing but I wouldn't put too much faith into the magical powers of any particular combination of food restrictions. As you likely already know since you are logging anyways, it really comes down to how many calories you put in vs. how many your take out every day.

    For the exercise stuff, unless you just just really love walking, you might want to look at other things you could add in there to mix things up. Personally I love biking so instead of suffering through an hour at the gym I find it easy and fun to spend two or three hours out on the bike. Joining up with a softball / basketball / martial arts club might be something to consider for the weight creep since it makes it easier to stick with when you have people counting on you to show up.

    Anyway, best of luck!
  • olliebourque
    olliebourque Posts: 10 Member
    Yes, I really do like to walk and I enjoy all of my meals. I take a few vitamins with my lunch and I drink lots of liquids. I sleep very well and I'm not fretting the weight. It will come off as long as I stay the course. Thanks for the tips but I'm not a biker - I'm a walker. ;-)