Free weights is the only way. Smith machines are a waste, in my opinion, and only encourage people to lift in a way that works against the body's natural lifting form. Make sure you're using good form. Plant your feet on the floor, grip the bar as if you are going to bend it in half, lower down to your sternum, pinch the…
It can be discouraging when you first start. I use a Tabata timer app and started off with 20 second intervals and gradually increased the length of the intervals as I got better. I jump rope as a warm-up to lifting weights because it's a great way to quickly engage all the muscles regardless of which muscle group I'm…
Couple things that helped me to keep it simple: . Rome wasn't built in a day; so be patient. Sticking to the basics is the best way to start out. Exercises such as squats, bench press and deadlifts do more for your body than any "specialized" exercises such as curls or kickbacks. Concentrate on form and you'll be on your…
Bad knees are a scary thing but can be managed with good medical advice from a real doctor (insurance issues aside). My knee issue stems from deterioration of the cartilage. When I was in the Army, their solution was mega doses of what's affectionately known as "Ranger candy" or 800 mg Motrin. What finally worked for me…
For me, squats are both the best and worst exercise you can do. Best because it works the quads, hams, glutes, back, abs, shoulders, traps and arms when performed correctly. Worst because it can screw up the quads, hams, glutes, back, abs, shoulders, traps and arms if done incorrectly. Barbell squats are the way to go. You…
I started out with walking/walking my dog and doing various calisthenics either pure bodyweight exercises or using the Bosu ball and stability ball. As I progressed, I began running but pretty much stuck to the various types of calisthenics. Once I finally decided to lift weights, my goal was simply to "tone." But the more…
For me, dumbbells are enough. But I have my own personal reasons. I can change my range of motion simply by turning my wrists. I can alternate movements or do them simultaneously. I do quite a bit of DB work at home, but at the gym, all I need is either just a pair of DBs or a bench and DBs instead of waiting for someone…
The thing that's left out of those heavy lifting/low reps threads is that you also need to pack in some 5-6,000 calories a day in order for that to work, and it needs to be the right balance of proteins and carbs not just scarfing down everything in sight. Your body needs fuel to bulk up with. Also, men bulk up because of…
I'm not going to give you a good answer; just going to share what works for me. I use the slow, moderate, fast this way: if I'm able to jump continuously throughout my session and build up a good sweat, then I go with fast. If I have one of those workouts where I'm getting tangled up with the rope or knowingly slow down…
What works for me is knowing when to eat. I try to eat eight times a day. Breakfast is the only big meal and the rest are smaller meals to keep the protein intake going. I try to eat smart. A tablespoon of peanut butter on whole wheat bread is enough to keep the metabolism going while giving me the nutrients I need to…
I was diagnosed a little over a year ago. I found that some of the dietician stuff was a bit confusing, but in the end I managed to figure it out. What helped me a lot was to focus on improving my blood sugar count and not worry about any of the other numbers. Once I got my blood sugar count under control, the weight,…
I started out by taking my dog for a walk, and that was my initial goal: to take him out for longer walks and perhaps just take a walk in the neighborhood by myself or with my wife. Then one thing led to another, and I began taking short jogs in the neighborhood. I got to the point where I was running 4 miles three times a…
I used to do it once a month, on the 1st of the month. Now that I've reached my goal, I weigh in & log my weight weekly so I can track more closely if I'm really maintaining my goal weight. I figured I didn't want to find out that I gained/lost too much weight over a four week period, so I now do it weekly in order to make…
I'm 54 and I'm active every day. I either run, exercise on the elliptical trainer or lift weights at the gym. Sky's the limit. Didn't start out that way, of course. Started off very simple: taking my dog out for a walk. That gradually became going out for a walk, then a jog and then a run. At the gym, it started off pretty…
Shotgun, shovel, pick-up truck. Need I say more?
I agree that sugary drinks contribute to the health problems ranging from obesity to diabetes in many Americans. However, government has no business regulating the dietary habits of its citizens. This is Big Brother in action. We have the right to make our own choices...even if it means making stupid choices.
I alternate my strength training and running workouts to allow my muscles time off between weightlifting days. I do have at least one "rest" day a week. Even so, on that one "rest" day, I'll do a short cardio workout on the elliptical trainer or taking the dog out for a good long walk. I do, however, pay attention to my…
54 years old here; started my journey August 31, 2011 and have lost 55 pounds so far. A year ago, I wouldn't have believed it. Just take it one day at a time.
1) Sean Connery (he set the standard) 2) Honey Ryder (Ursula Andress) 3) Tie between Dr. No & Goldfinger I'm old school
I have to admit that I haven't quite cracked the code for non-workout days (I do a 15-minute routine every day so I don't have a true "non-exercise day."). I agree with trying to stick to your maintenance limit. For me, I'm either right at my limit or go a little over on my one "rest" day. But I'm not really bothered by it…
Now that I'm older and wiser, it's all in the attitude not in the body type. Yeah, sounds corny, but that's how I see it. Of course, took me a lifetime to realize that.
I try my best to avoid processed foods. It's tough, especially if you have a busy schedule, but well worth the effort. Pretty surprising how "modern convenience" is not the same thing as "good for you."
If you're serious about running, then go to an athletic shoe store like New Balance. They'll put you on a treadmill to identify any issues you may have such as over-pronation (running "crooked" such as stepping diagonally from the heel across the arch to the toes---many people do this without realizing it). Then they'll…
I try to exercise in the mornings whenever I can. Unfortunately, my work schedule prevents me from having a good morning workout, so I do a 15-minute high-intensity push-ups-crunches routine on work days and good solid workout on weekend mornings. Otherwise, my workouts are in the evenings.
I agree with the posts that sometimes you just have a bad day and that there are other factors that affect your running. For me, there are no bad runs when I consider that six or seven months ago I wasn't running at all. So if my run is not as good as I expected, I remind myself that I stopped being a couch potato a long…
Before or after they bring out the defibrillator?
I'm not bothered by it. When you reduce it down to the lowest common denominator, it's none of my business. Spend a day at the US Army's RANGER School if you want hardcore motivation. Otherwise, where's the harm?
I avoid them at all costs. Read too many articles about how they screw up your back; don't really work the abs and overwork the hip flexors. I stick to crunches, leg lifts, knee raises, etc. Your mileage may vary
We're a hi-tech society. We are today what was fantasized so many years ago in The Jetsons. I use my mobile device for music so I can tune out everyone and focus on my workout. I also use it to track my workout time, to input MFP as well as Map My Run. I don't let others gabbing on their phones bother me. Negativity…
Mapmyrun meets my needs. I'm sure there are better apps out there, but I'm interested in knowing how far I ran, what my pace was, and what my time was. Mapmyrun does that for me.