why do we have bad runs?



  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    Because shizz happens. Somedays it all comes together, and somedays you have to force the pieces together as close as they will go, and be happy with what comes out. It's just life :drinker:

    ^^ Love This! :love: Kinda, sorta like my philosophy on life...You choose happiness -- it doesn't choose you. Some days you just gotta get up and tell yourself it WILL be a good day...dammit! LOL

    On a running note, the runs where I feel like I'm just flying along are usually my worst times. And when I feel like I have lead in my backside, that's usually when I break the 6mph mark. Go figure...
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    There are no "bad runs", but rather some runs present a greater challenge than others. The more challenging runs are opportunities to improve. Every run provides a benefit. Embrace every challenge.

    This is so freaking hokey. Doesn't make it any less true though. Every run is it's own thing, and there is a lesson to be learned every time.


    Hokey or not, I find that when I take this approach to running (or any other aspect of life, really), then I am just a happier, more pleasant person. Period.

    good response and attitude! have no idea what hokey means!
  • RuthieCass
    RuthieCass Posts: 247 Member
    Too hot/humid, need a new pair of shoes, didn't eat enough the day before (protein or carbs), ate something that didn't sit well the night before, didn't sleep enough, need more potassium, and running too much/ overtraining* are some of the things that can make a run go bad.

    *This is what I suspect might be your issue. I think you'll have much better runs if you cut down to 3-4 days per week. Especially if you are doing long distance runs. Try using the other days to "cross train." Use an elliptical, go swimming instead, do circuits, do strength training, etc. And give yourself at least 1 day off from all exercise per week.
  • Tenoreo90
    Tenoreo90 Posts: 329 Member
    There are no "bad runs", but rather some runs present a greater challenge than others. The more challenging runs are opportunities to improve. Every run provides a benefit. Embrace every challenge.

    Love this!
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    Good question. It's like the days where you do everything you can not to go for a run cause you really don't want to do it, finally end up going and end up having a blinder.

    lol yes and you end up thinking "thank God I went for that run in the end, otherwise I would have missed that!"
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    We can train our bodies well, and we may feel like a machine at times, but we are not! :)

    Sleep, Food, Muscle Building, Healing, Virus, Motivation, Stress, Distractions, Temperature ... so many reasons ...

    *sigh* ... just how it is I guess! :)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    for me running is like 80% mental. I know i'm physically capable of running a 5K for instance but some days I can other days I can't based on my mental state. some days i'm better at quieting down certain thoughts other days i'm not.

    if i'm having a bad run day i try to make the most of it by running more sprints since that takes less mental discipline for me than the slower steady pace runs
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Gosh I totally read the title of this post wrong. And now I'm wondering what a usain bolt is.

    I had the wrong "runs" in mind as well.
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Bad Runs happen to make us really value the Great Runs.
  • drgndancer
    drgndancer Posts: 426 Member
    honestly, I really thought this was about intestinal issues.....but.......

    For me, I feel every session is different....I find I can go longer on the treadmill than outdoors on the pavement....I get more out of breath....does anyone else feel the same?

    edited b/c I left out a word

    The treadmill is physically easier, mentally tougher (for most). The TM sets the pace for you, outside you have to set your own pace and keep moving. Also, outside you have heat and humidity to contend with - with a TM it's in a nice, dry air-conditioned location more often than not.

    The roads build more character!

    I am still too shy to run outdoors in the daylight. I live in a town of just under 2000. HELP ME not be so shy...I've drowned it out with an ipod, but I'm still totally self-conscious...
    I don't know if I can help you be less shy, but I can try. What are you self conscious about when you run outside? I really doubt you'll find to many people that don't dislike *something* about their body, their form, or their ability... it's why we get out a run, to be better runners.
  • Madux1818
    Madux1818 Posts: 307 Member
    When I read 'bad runs' I thought of something else!

  • bacamacho
    bacamacho Posts: 306 Member
    Mine happen when I eat really bad, I'm dehydrated, and/or I have a few days of sleeping bad.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I view weeks like that as signs of overtraining. But.. I also appreciate my bad runs, they are typically followed by my best runs. Try switching things up, do something different than running.
  • That's the same reason as me I'm rubbish at runnin ha ha
  • Toomestwin
    Toomestwin Posts: 40
    I agree with the posts that sometimes you just have a bad day and that there are other factors that affect your running. For me, there are no bad runs when I consider that six or seven months ago I wasn't running at all. So if my run is not as good as I expected, I remind myself that I stopped being a couch potato a long time ago and have 55 pounds lost to show for it.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    honestly, I really thought this was about intestinal issues.....but.......

    For me, I feel every session is different....I find I can go longer on the treadmill than outdoors on the pavement....I get more out of breath....does anyone else feel the same?

    edited b/c I left out a word

    The treadmill is physically easier, mentally tougher (for most). The TM sets the pace for you, outside you have to set your own pace and keep moving. Also, outside you have heat and humidity to contend with - with a TM it's in a nice, dry air-conditioned location more often than not.

    The roads build more character!

    I am still too shy to run outdoors in the daylight. I live in a town of just under 2000. HELP ME not be so shy...I've drowned it out with an ipod, but I'm still totally self-conscious...

    Just get over it. It's just something that you will get used to. Any new experience can worry people. It's not something I've ever worried about myself. But I suppose run super early? I run at 5:30 AM, I never see any cars.