Should Gyms Be Cellphone Free Zones



  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,173 Member
    I can say this. If I had my phone with me and I got a phone call, I would leave the gym floor to answer it. But for everything, surfing, texting....I would want it with me when I workout.
  • Josette89
    Josette89 Posts: 244
    When I used to go to the gym I used my cell phone as an MP3. So I wouldn't ban them completely. and some of those people have kids at home that they need to be in contact with. But, I do understand about talking WHILE exercising in the middle of a group of people. That's rude, they can take that elsewhere. And in a class, they should have the people keep there stuff in a cubby or something... :)
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I always have my cell with me including at the gym. I use it for my music mostly but during the school year I also need to have it with me at all times incase the school nurse needs to get ahold of me. She has called several times while I was at the gym--and I have answered and will always answer. Most of the time our conversations are very quick so I don't bother stepping outside--but I would never hold up equipment to talk to her either. I would step away but haven't ever had to yet. because I always seem to be on an elliptical or treadmill when she calls. .

    EXACTLY! I have a 16yo with autism, and a husband with epilepsy....I am RARELY more than 2 feet away from my phone in case one of them needs me. I have gotten calls at the gym, but I was either on the treadmill or the seated elliptical, so I kept it short, but I DID answer it!
  • Cellphone free gyms, driving, and eating. Cellphones in class are a must. lol

    EDIT: Cellphone talking should be prohibited in those areas; texting, mp3 and surfing is always welcome IMHO
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    If someone else using a phone in your vicinity bothers you...I think that is the real problem.

    THIS. lol

    Not that I need to be on my phone 24-7 but honestly, if you are going out in public, you can't expect total silence. How is someone talking on the phone any different than those 2 girls that are on the treadmill next to each other gossiping about the hot guy at work? Do we want to ban talking at the gym too? If you don't want to hear anyone...INVEST IN AN IPOD!!!! Some of you guys remind me of the grumpy old lady next door that screams at the little kids on the block to stay away from her lawn lol. However, it is kinda disrespectful to the teacher if you text in yoga class. That's a different story though.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I don't even bring my phone in with me - I think it's rude as hell to be glued to your phone and loudly yakking away in public. Texting doesn't bug me because I don't have to hear it. However, I'd hate to see an outright ban on phones at the gym - lots of people are on-call or waiting for emergency calls, etc. I DO think it's appropriate for an instructor and other participants to expect people to leave their phones outside of a CLASS, though - especially YOGA for God's sake. How obnoxious! :mad:
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    I am not a fan of bans, but I think as a society we need to start socially enforcing cell phone etiquette. It is NOT socially acceptable to annoy everyone in a restaurant, gym, or other public place with your phone conversation. Go find a bit of privacy, even if you have to go sit in your car..

    I personally get very annoyed when my meal is disturbed by some idiot yammering loudly on their stupid phone, and more often than not I will say something to them.
  • Josette89
    Josette89 Posts: 244
    Agree^^. The gym I go to is a cell phone free place, there are signs at each machine and posted all over. The focus should be on fitness and relaxation, not chatting. Also I am a server and it drives me nuts to see people out together all on their phones or I am trying to take an order and they are on their phones whispering to me or mouthing the order...or making me wait.....I have a million things I could be doing while trying to interpret/hear your order or while you make me stand there yes....more than just the gym should prohibit cell phone use.

    Haha, that's why I could never be a server, I would tell them and I would come off as rude. And that is also why I am a Chef, it is acceptable to be rude :D
  • cordianet
    cordianet Posts: 534 Member
    One of the reasons I like my gym better...

  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    How is someone talking on the phone any different than those 2 girls that are on the treadmill next to each other gossiping about the hot guy at work?

    People talking on phones speak louder than people having one-on-one conversations. I think it's something about not being able to hear as well over the background noise, so they compensate with a lot of "HUH?" "What was that?" and a lot of hollering when they are on the phone. Plus, unlike in a normal conversation, there are long periods of silence (while the person on the other end is talking and we can't hear it) punctuated with abrupt loud responses. It just sounds annoying. It's definately different than a regular conversation.
  • reedkaus
    reedkaus Posts: 250 Member
    i feel like when you go to the gym that should be your focus. you shouldn't be worried about receiving texts and calling. however, there are a few occupations where it is important for people to keep their phone on them, and many people have phones that have their music on them, so it'd be hard to rid the gym of them for that reason.
  • jayhawkX
    jayhawkX Posts: 48
    I am not a fan of bans, but I think as a society we need to start socially enforcing cell phone etiquette. It is NOT socially acceptable to annoy everyone in a restaurant, gym, or other public place with your phone conversation. Go find a bit of privacy, even if you have to go sit in your car..

    I personally get very annoyed when my meal is disturbed by some idiot yammering loudly on their stupid phone, and more often than not I will say something to them.

    I concur. There is increasingly a lack of etiquette within this country. I personally blame Elmo.
  • BeckaT79
    BeckaT79 Posts: 216
    I use my cell phone at the gym! Only to play Pandora and C210K. That is it! Nothing makes me more mad than walking or running the track and having to scream at someone on their phone either talking or texting. My gym is a cell free zone even though there are those few people who sneak them in to talk. We do rely on them way to much.
  • stargazer008
    stargazer008 Posts: 531
    Yes, people are way too dependent on their phones. Everywhere I go, I see people on their phones when their with someone else. I find it rude, like can't you answer it later unless it is an emergency!
  • Toomestwin
    Toomestwin Posts: 40
    We're a hi-tech society. We are today what was fantasized so many years ago in The Jetsons. I use my mobile device for music so I can tune out everyone and focus on my workout. I also use it to track my workout time, to input MFP as well as Map My Run. I don't let others gabbing on their phones bother me. Negativity affects YOUR workout, so why give them the satisfaction! As for the person chatting on the phone while on the bench or machine I'm waiting to use, I simply say, "Here, let me sneak in a set while you finish your conversation...thanks!" Works every time!
  • sydnisd183
    sydnisd183 Posts: 247 Member
    No. I am a Network Administrator and I am on call 24/7 for 1 week out of every month. Do I want to be? No. Is it my job? Yes. Will I get in trouble if the network goes down and I don't answer my cell phone? YESSSSSS!!!!! Plus, I use my phone to listen to music. I train next to Chatty Kathy's and loudmouth grunters, do we tell them to shut up too? Then, do we shut the piped in music off? Then, do we shut the TV's off? Then, do we tell the kids in the children's area to STFU? ugh
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    fight it all you want but it wont matter. we are becoming more and more intertwined with our technology. google glasses are next and before long we'll be implanting readers in our eyes and and eventually jacking directly into our brains.
  • Le_Joy
    Le_Joy Posts: 549 Member
    I am on call 24/7 for my job. I take my cell into yoga with me, but I don't ever answer the phone or text unless it is someone in labor...
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    If my gym tried to tell me I couldn't bring my phone in, I'd tell them to EFF OFF and find a new gym. I use my phone for music, to track my diet, my workouts, and to keep in contact with my kids if there's an emergency. Should the ringer be off, sure...should a gym be able to tell me I can't use it?

  • shoshi68
    shoshi68 Posts: 407 Member
    I am on call for my job 24/7, a week at a stretch. If I can't take my cell phone, I can't work out. However, I practice good cell phone etiquette. I will leave the workout area as soon as I get a call to not disturb others who are hoping for a peaceful workout.