patns Member


  • Good for you for getting on top of this. My brother in law had a massive stroke two years ago at age 47. He was not someone who anyone would think had any health problems before he had the stroke. It has taken a long time for him to work his fitness level up after so I am not surprised that you feel sick after an hour of…
  • Yes I have it and I love it too. I am on my second round of 30 days.
    in Wii active Comment by patns August 2009
  • My daughter is a vegetarian. I could not eat that way totally because I am very carb sensative and would gain rapidly on the whole grains she eats. But she does fine with them. We all react differently. If you are losing with your plan I wouldn't worry about it, but do make sure you get some of the good fats in.
  • That would be a very appropriate response. You could fill in whatever you wanted in place of "bad". she was likely talking without thinking. If you said something like this quote and put in "racist" it would alert her that she is inappropriate. I have taught in elementary school for years and lunch is at 11:20.
  • First off give yourself a big pat on the back that you caught it at 7 pounds! As someone said it was the stress of the accident that put you off track. Stress eat can pack on many pounds quickly. Good for you for taking the bull by the horns quickly. Good luck and as someone said your future sucess will have such an impact…
  • I had the same question. I have also been told to have protein at every meal. I had a protein shake at breakfast, tune at lunch and chicken at dinner. My calories are still short but it is showing double the amont of protein they recommend.
  • You mentioned that you became pregnant last June. If that is right you have likely just given birth. Your hormones will still be all over the place. Do you think this is a good time to stop eating? You may be suffering from post natal depression.
    in I"m out Comment by patns August 2009