triskaidekaphile13 Member


  • I've been hitting 10k consistently for several months and recently was invited to join The challenges on there use your FitBit steps and you are rewarded with points that you can spend on things from their catalogue. They even do international shipping. I used to use neufit but they shut down.
  • I've always eaten back nearly all my exercise calories. I'm now in maintenance having lost nearly 154lbs and it's a lifestyle change not a diet. I love food and exercise enables me to eat more. If I don't burn the calories, I don't eat them. This morning I ran 5K and so today I've got extra calories to eat. I use a FitBit…
  • Sounds like you are doing just the right thing. I'm lucky enough to be able to walk outside but if I'm short on my 10,000 steps I finish them in the evening indoors. There are a number of exercise programmes involving walking indoors like Leslie Sansome. I've also got a great Wii game Walk it Out that involves marching on…
  • I run three days a week and since finishing C25K my 5K time has gone from 43 minutes to 27 minutes. Strength training and hill training have definitely helped. I've just come back from an injury and didn't run for over a week and it's taken a couple of runs to get my speed back. I love running and find it a great stress…
  • I log my cycling separately on Runkeeper and it syncs the calorie burn to FitBit. Any steps I get from wearing the FitBit whilst cycling are a bonus towards my 10,000 steps a day. I also track my power walking and running on Runkeeper but delete the activities when they sync to FitBit. Works well for me. I find it's most…
  • I find my FitBit to be really accurate. I hit my goal on Christmas Eve last year and since then have been on maintenance. I continued to lose weight despite upping my calories but have now settled down and MFP reports gaining and losing the same lb as my body naturally fluctuates. I don't log any runs or walking on FitBit…
  • When I got to less than half a stone to lose I upped my calories and then upped them slowly again after I got to goal. I've been on maintenance for three months today and have continued to lose weight despite eating at maintenance. I'm upping my calories slowly as I don't want to lose any more.
  • There's an all you can eat Chinese buffet in Birmingham that charges you for what you don't eat. We stayed in a hotel on Friday night and on Saturday morning had the buffet breakfast. People were piling up their bowls with fruit or cereal, eating half and then leaving it to move onto a piled plate of cooked breakfast. They…
  • I went to a school to do a careers event today. Warm croissants on arrival, bacon sandwiches or rolls after we finished. I drank a black decaf tea and ate a pear in the car afterwards. I could have fitted them into my calories if I'd wanted one but I genuinely didn't.
  • I haven't cut the percentage of carbs I eat but I have overall cut the volume of food I eat. Portion control was always my problem. Nothing is off limits so long as I stay within my calorie goal. I lost 80lbs over a 24 month period, maintained for five years and then lost 84lbs between July 2012 and December 2013. I've…
  • I too eat to within 50 calories of my FitBit burn for maintenance and have gained no weight. I find it to be really accurate and have worn my FitBit, tracked using GPS and worn a HRM on a run and had very similar results across the three.
  • I alternate my breakfasts between porridge (different flavours) and wholegrain cereal with dried fruit. I typically eat homemade bread Monday to Friday at lunchtime with a variety of different protein items but always with tomatoes, a cup of skinny decaf tea, crisps of some kind and a cake or biscuit. Dinner cycles between…
  • I'm a big fan of Rocky Horror and have Hot Patootie on my running playlist. I've been several times dressed up including one time when my 'friends' told everybody that I was a man in drag and somebody grabbed my breast and commented how realistic they were. I was dressed as Magenta at the time and most unhappy I was groped…
  • Agree with the feeling cold plus people thinking I must be ill because surely it can't be as simple as moving more and eating less. When I was in the office last week somebody who had been spreading rumours of my having been ill (moved on from telling people I'd had a gastric band) eventually spoke to me about it and told…
  • I'm guessing you are talking about a UK size 14 (which is not the same as a US 14 which is bigger). I'm 5'8" and 10 stone 9lb (149lbs) having hit my goal on Christmas Eve last year. I wear a UK 12. I'm an apple shape and hold my weight around my middle and am almost hipless. I was a 14 at just under 12 stone and can still…
  • It doesn't sound like running straight after a cold in the rain might be the best plan but the heart wants, what the heart wants. I wear goretex trail running shoes when I run in the rain. I wear long tights and have them zipped right down so my merino socks don't get soaked. I wear a light waterproof/windproof jacket and…
  • I've had my Ultra since July 2012. I've just ordered a One in the Boxing Day deals on Amazon because it's falling apart. I do my 10,000 steps every day and it's been a great tool keeping me aware of my movement. I hit my goal on Christmas Eve and am now working towards maintenance and know it will keep me moving.
  • I love my FitBit. Have been wearing it since July 2012 and hit my goal yesterday. I've just ordered a replacement One as my Ultra is falling apart. I find the calorie burn is excellent if the time zone is right. I've worn a HRM to see if they calculate the same and it's almost identical for walking and running. I got a…
  • Sadly my body doesn't understand the phrase 'write it off' and so yes I'll be logging just like every other day. I logged last Christmas Day and didn't feel that I deprived myself of anything. Still had new chocolates for breakfast, Christmas lunch etc. I was a binger and don't like the physical sensation of being so full…
  • I've had people asking me if I've had a gastric band fitted, others started a rumour that I had been seriously ill. When people ask me and I say I eat less and move more they seem extremely dubious and disbelieving. I work in a small team and have three male and one female colleague. They've been mostly fine although there…
  • My stomach has shrunk considerably since I've lost weight and I just can't eat as much any more. I get fuller much faster and happily share half a portion of some meals with my wife. When I tried to keep the MFP 1200 I was hungry but followed TDEE minus 20% (and now TDEE -10% as I have less than 5lbs to lose to my goal)…
  • Congratulations. After I finished C25K I still wasn't able to run 5K in the 30 minutes. My next goal was to run 5K at all and I started doing parkrun. I then added strength and flexibility training to help me stay injury free and get faster. I run three times a week with one run being longer than 5K. I do hill training and…
  • I've lost just over 148lbs in total and since around 20lbs ago I've been feeling the cold. I eat around 1700-2000 calories a day and do strength training as well as cardio but I've taken to wearing a gilet in the house! I'm too cheap to turn the heating on during the day. Being cold and finding hard chairs uncomfortable…
  • I love the sleep mode. I find it very helpful to keep track of how often I'm waking in the night. I often don't even know myself.
  • Absolutely love my FitBit Ultra. Keeps me moving and yes, I do get my 10,000 minimum steps per day even it means I'm still doing them at 10pm just before I go to bed. I wouldn't be four lbs from my goal without it.
  • Is it this one: It describes it as a chest strap.
  • My HRM goes around my rib cage and the sensors need to be near enough to read my heart rate. Around my stomach would be too far away I think.
  • I've had this from my younger sister (who is used to be the thin sister) and from my elderly neighbours. One colleague did say I needed to stop but most have said nothing but positive things. My sister is trying to tell me that aiming for a BMI of 22 is too low at 45 and you need to have the extra lbs as you get older. I…
  • I think if the only available time you have is in the morning and you aren't a morning person, then you are going to struggle. It is possible to get walking in whilst you work during the day. However, to get some cardio and resistance in is going to be difficult. I'm up at 6:30 every morning so I can exercise before work.…
  • Improving my overall cardio fitness plus hill training and intervals has worked for me. My first 5K run (parkrun) was over 42 minutes right after I finished C25K in November 2012 and my Personal Best on the same course, which has a horrible steep hill in the middle of it, is now just over 30 minutes and I'm working towards…