Repetitive Meals

Do you guys have meal plans or just eat whatever?

My foods during the week are basically the exact same besides my lunch (leftovers from the dinner the previous nights).

Do you guys feel the same way or is it just me?


  • OneImaginaryGirl
    OneImaginaryGirl Posts: 25 Member
    I am the same way... even more so. I call myself a mono-eater. I basically eat the same things every day, with little variation.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    Because he was caring for his terminally ill mother, my husband didn't live with me Mon-Thurs for the first 8 months I was on MFP. During that time, I had the same 4-5 meals (rotated through) almost every day. I typically ate an egg taco for breakfast, and then for lunch and dinner some form of veggie burger + salad & sauce, sautéed veggies + cheese, or nachos/taco salad and a small treat like chocolate every day. Now I eat a way more diverse diet. Both ways, I've lost the same amount of weight.

    I tend to have a few things I rotate through, and mix it up due to my husband's more creative tastes and cooking skills :-)
  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member
    I have a few go to meals that I eat almost every week. I usually try to keep M-F pretty simple/consistent from week to week and then have a little more fun and get a little more adventurous on the weekends when I have more time to spend in the kitchen.
  • I too eat a lot of the same things each day. It doesn't bother me though. If it did I'd change it up.
  • LeGaCyGiAnT124
    LeGaCyGiAnT124 Posts: 158 Member
    I have a few go to meals that I eat almost every week. I usually try to keep M-F pretty simple/consistent from week to week and then have a little more fun and get a little more adventurous on the weekends when I have more time to spend in the kitchen.

    I am the same way.

    I don't have time to cook breakfast during the week. I have been eating two eggo whole wheat waffles with jelly for breakfast as long as I can remember lol. Before it was oatmeal, but I think I am lactose intolerant or something because I was getting sick from the milk I use in it, so I stopped for a few weeks.

    Got to have fruit, got to have a special K bar and two bottles of water.
  • iRun_Butterfly
    iRun_Butterfly Posts: 483 Member
    My meals vary very little most days. Breakfast and lunch is a rotation of protein shakes, egg on an English muffin with hummus, or some sort of soup. Dinner, I cook a couple times a week, usually a large batch of something that we eat for two or three nights plus a large salad. I'm lucky my husband is not a picky eater. Neither of us mind leftovers.
  • I alternate my breakfasts between porridge (different flavours) and wholegrain cereal with dried fruit. I typically eat homemade bread Monday to Friday at lunchtime with a variety of different protein items but always with tomatoes, a cup of skinny decaf tea, crisps of some kind and a cake or biscuit. Dinner cycles between different meals but changes often other than on Fridays when we nearly always have haddock and chips from the fish shop.

    Having set breakfast items helps me not only with my logging but also with decision making when I return from a run all ravenous. If I had porridge yesterday then today it's cereal. I pack my lunch when I work in the office or away and try to keep to similar things in the week so there's less planning. When we're away on holiday I eat wildly different food but always within my macros and calories. It's sometimes nice to get back to the old routine.
  • LeGaCyGiAnT124
    LeGaCyGiAnT124 Posts: 158 Member
    Do you guys ever eat enough of something to the point you never want to eat it again (For a very long time)?

    I don't like apples like I used to. I don't like yogurt anymore. etc
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    i eat the same things over and over too. i like to make a batch of casserole/soup/whatever and eat it all week, adding in different sides of veggies or fruit. makes it so much easier keeping me on track.
  • shamubegone
    shamubegone Posts: 14 Member
    I have actually been really trying to eat the same breakfast everyday and I am really enjoying it. Historically, I am a very spontaneous eater which has led to a lot of bad choices and regret. I'm finding the consistency to be a nice little serene start to my days :)
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    Do you guys ever eat enough of something to the point you never want to eat it again (For a very long time)?

    I don't like apples like I used to. I don't like yogurt anymore. etc

    i havent gotten sick of anything but beets, but i think that's mostly because I an unrelated association with beets, which sucks cause i really like them.
  • jfauci
    jfauci Posts: 531 Member
    I eat the same breakfast and lunch Monday-Friday. My snacks don't vary much either. I like not having to think about what I'm eating and how to work the macros into my day. I really don't get bored with it.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    Do you guys ever eat enough of something to the point you never want to eat it again (For a very long time)?

    I don't like apples like I used to. I don't like yogurt anymore. etc


    I'm sick of raw baby spinach. Not as into bell peppers as I used to be. Still love blueberries, but a little burnt out on them...

    In the years before joining MFP but while I was losing weight slowly, I was "addicted" to my morning yogurt and had it probably 6X per week for 2 straight years. Either Chobani or Oikos with a spoonful of granola mixed in. I got so sick of it, I eventually didn't want yogurt anymore. But now I've started to incorporate other yogurt (Fage 0% with mixed-in fruit & flaxseed or noosa for a treat) and I enjoy it.
  • lowfatveg
    lowfatveg Posts: 19 Member
    I decide what I want to eat usually as each meal comes and that all depends on how much time I have , if I got time I make a big batch of something I fancy and freeze some for those short of time days
  • benniesmother
    benniesmother Posts: 269 Member
    glad to know I'm not a freak here lol. I literally eat the same breakfast every single day. I have for months. and I still enjoy it every morning :)
  • gsgitu
    gsgitu Posts: 118 Member
    Do you guys ever eat enough of something to the point you never want to eat it again (For a very long time)?

    I don't like apples like I used to. I don't like yogurt anymore. etc
    nope. i can't allow myself to get burnt out on the stuff i eat. had to change my mindset on what food is to me. no longer a reward type mindset, but it is just fuel. yea, now and then i still indulge, but if i get fed up with this and that i will go back to what was making me fat, eating what ever i wanted cause it was good. eat about the same thing every day, and maybe once a week i will eat outside the norm. might change out 1 or 2 items. but, i am much happier being in control of food instead of food being in control.
  • jakemaxwell1234
    jakemaxwell1234 Posts: 2 Member
    I enjoy eating the same things (chicken,potatoes,oats,peanut butter) you know what satisfies and fills you up. At the weekends I'll eat whatever my family is having :-)
  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    I eat almost the same stuff everyday, beside sundays and suturdays.
  • fittyinthemaking
    fittyinthemaking Posts: 126 Member
    i try to eat different meals every day but keep the same structure, (always have salad with lunch, veg with dinner, include a protein meat source in at least 1 meal) snacks vary from berries to protein bars
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,724 Member
    I eat the same breakfast on weekdays. Sometimes on weekends I don't know what to do with myself lol. That's usually my opportunity to do something different, but that usually only works out if I've been inspired by a recipe in advance and have been looking forward to it for some days. Every few months or so I'll get sick of my breakfast choice and do something different.

    Dinner *can* be the same for a few days for me while I'm finishing a batch of food or obsessed with a new recipe but so far it's pretty much the same three or four meals in rotation. I buy lunch in our cafeteria or go out to eat so I'd say this is consistently my most varied meal.
  • donnat238
    donnat238 Posts: 309 Member
    I have 2-3 food combinations that I use consistently during the week - just easier to buy/make and keep on hand...not sick of anything yet. The weekend or vacation I eat whatever will be filling and fits within my calories.
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  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    I don't pre-plan meals and I eat a variety of meals through out the week. Breakfast one day may be an egg sandwich, then cereal and a banana the next, then almond butter on toast, etc. Dinners are generally just whatever either my wife or I feel like making, and it can be all over the place depending on what we have in the house.

    I do have several go-to dishes that I make more often though.
  • Yes, i meal plan and prep for the week ahead. I know what i like and my food varies very little from day to day. The only meal that is different from day to day is my dinner, other than that it's pretty much the same stuff. Depending how I feel I may change up my lunch from week to week. week it'll be chicken breast and mixed veggies, and the next week it might be turkey and asparagus.
  • I have a 2 week menu. I shop every 2 weeks as well. I have found when you have this on our fridge it could prevent you from any anxiety over what you are going to make and stress from trying to stay within macros or cals. Pretty much it makes you life easier and you get to pre log your day so you can see what room you have if you happen to want to graze.
  • dswolverine
    dswolverine Posts: 246 Member
    I eat the same thing for breakfast and lunch pretty much every day of the week. The weekend will vary, but I just haven't gotten sick of either meal yet. It's kind of nice because I know almost exactly when I'll get hungry again and how to best plan my snacks.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    My lunch has very little day to day variations but dinner could be a multitude of things. Even if I ate chicken 5x one week there would be so much variation in sides & the way it was prepped that it wouldn't get old.
  • SO fried on chicken and rice right now it's coming out of my ears next week will be a total switch up!
  • wyattj99
    wyattj99 Posts: 454 Member
    Do you guys ever eat enough of something to the point you never want to eat it again (For a very long time)?

    I don't like apples like I used to. I don't like yogurt anymore. etc

    I too eat pretty much the same thing Mon-through Sat being Sunday morning breakfast can change. I eat the same breakfast, mid morning snack, mid afternoon snack and late evening snack. My lunch/dinner changes. If I get tired of something for a moment I change it up a bit. Saturday nights can change as do Sundays.