

  • i do most of the housework in our house eg cooking, washing clothes, hovvering, dusting etc. My fiance does the dishes every night and takes out the rubbish, he will occasionally 'help' when i am not in but i usually have to go over what he has done as he can never get streaks off mirrors ect as well as i can :laugh:
  • I am probably in the minority here but i DID let myself gain weight - i knew i was gaining and did nothing to stop it. I used to be a dancer and would dance several days a week, for at least 4 hours each time so i was always around a size 8 and about 9 stone. Then i met my fiance and dislocated my knee so i gave up dancing…
  • Hi im 21 and also from the UK - feel free to add me :) x
  • Thanks for all the replies! @shoneybabes : yes i do this amount of exercise at least 5 times a week, at the weekend its usually 30 day shred, housework, dog walking then yoga at night so again a far bit as i usually walk about 5 miles with the pups. Maybe i should tone it down a little then and maybe do things on alternate…
  • I live in Glasgow , feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • I am not getting married in 2013, i am getting married October 2012. Yep in approx 6 weeks i will be walking down the aisle and i still want to lose around a stone in weight :( Good luck to all those still in the planning process - i will say buy all the little things as soon as you can as it was these that ended up…
  • Is it still possible to join? If so count me in!! I am a current size 14 and would love to be a 12 by the end of the month. I have a gym membership and also work out at home.
  • My food daily food diary looks something like this based on 1200 calories a day: Breakfast : either cereal with semi skimmed milk or wholemeal bread with peanut butter Snack: small fuit bag Lunch: Cup a soup ( i work at a desk so cant eat 'proper' lunches) Snack - small fruit bag Dinner: Chicken with a little potatoes,…
  • Thanks for the replies everyone! Yes my calorie allowance is at 1200 and to be honest i am finding it hard to even eat that but ive heard if u under eat it can just be as bad as overeating? So if i burn say 400 calories through exercise - i should be eating closer to 1400 calories? :noway: I obviously want to do this the…