A Happy Marriage = Wife in the Kitchen



  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    The topic needs to be fixed...

    "A Happy Marriage = Wife barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen"


    "A marriage that probably isn't really happy but dammit, it lasts = wife as a domestic slave"

    Sounds like someone may be bitter. Those shackles are heavy aren't they?
  • Mama_Mila
    Mama_Mila Posts: 511 Member
    This is absurd :noway:
  • A happy marriage is a marriage that is full of love and sexual desire. It doesn't matter who does the house work or not. If there is no sex drive there is no marriage. Plain and simple

    Also in my opinion...the only reason a marriage last longer in a marriage where the woman does all the house work is because she does not stand up for herself and most likely lives with a *kitten* of a man who does not know how to treat a woman right.


    Well, if I wasn't already married, I'd want your number.
  • I'm not suprised. Men are lazy. For some reason, they feel entitled to allow a woman to wait on them hand and foot.

    I guess I am too "modern". I am no more capable of cleaning than any man. I work full-time, bringing home more than my share of the bacon. I am not about to come home and treat my man as if he is one of my children. I have every right to enjoy some down time (not that I get any with a full time job, fitness goals and a child) as my husband does. I expect the relationship to be give and take. I am not put on this Earth to cater to a man. Period.
  • I always think these statistics are silly- people who, for cultural or religious reasons, believe that women are supposed to subservient baby machines/house maids for the men in their lives probably also have religious and cultural objections to divorce.

    Mystery solved.

    Makes sense.
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    I call BS, I get more angry and less patient with my husband when he's not helping. He's a big boy, he can hand a few dishes or the vacuum once in a while.
  • i do most of the housework in our house eg cooking, washing clothes, hovvering, dusting etc. My fiance does the dishes every night and takes out the rubbish, he will occasionally 'help' when i am not in but i usually have to go over what he has done as he can never get streaks off mirrors ect as well as i can :laugh:
  • Shannon2714
    Shannon2714 Posts: 843 Member
    Marriages fail because of the individuals not fighting to keep the love alive. Divorce is way to easy these days. It is like anything else, you get out of it what you put into it!

    There is no struggle for power in a relationship, you should be true partners!

    Yup. Marriage is work. It isn't just happiness or misery. It's both and a whole lot in between. Who does what chores is a very small part of the important things. Yes, if one is b!tching at the other all the time about dishes or trash or laundry, etc...then things will be tense and cause problems. But, as long as no one is feeling under appreciated or over worked, there shouldn't be major issues because of this.
  • Ke22yB
    Ke22yB Posts: 969 Member
    Let my wife in my kitchen are you nuts I enjoy eating well and being healthy to much for that. The shopping and food prep is a mans job right If I am going to log everything I am going to do the measuring and the cooking I know french fries are not a food group
  • lamilli09
    lamilli09 Posts: 354 Member
    I always think these statistics are silly- people who, for cultural or religious reasons, believe that women are supposed to subservient baby machines/house maids for the men in their lives probably also have religious and cultural objections to divorce.

    Mystery solved.

    Thanks for putting my thoughts into words.

    Just because someone's not divorcing doesn't mean their marriage is good. Maybe they just feel they don't have options.

    I love being married, but I don't see high divorce rates as bad things. Being stuck in a bad situation is way worse than divorce.

    ^^ all of this!
  • lilacsun
    lilacsun Posts: 204 Member
    That's because no matter how many times he does the dishes, he doesn't put them in the dishrack the right way!!!!!

    Yeah, I had to get over that one... I like the help!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    discuss? Imma stfu and get in the kitchen. lol discuss
  • It isn't so crazy that some people like to do things the traditional way =) When I have kids of my own, I'd like to be a stay at home Mom. I don't wanna have babysitters and day cares raising my kids. That will mean I'll be at home doing the housework and he'll be out working and making money, that is fair to me.
  • lilacsun
    lilacsun Posts: 204 Member
    The topic needs to be fixed...

    "A Happy Marriage = Wife barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen"


    "A marriage that probably isn't really happy but dammit, it lasts = wife as a domestic slave"

    Ha ha, know some people like this! Lots of them:-D
  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    my first thought is maybe women and men who view things as more egalitarian are not afraid to get a divorce if things get rough. whereas, maybe those that don't have egalitarian relationships may stay in the marriage longer regardless of whether they are actually happy or not... due to "traditional" values... i know know. just throwing that out there. probably nothing to do with "happy marriage" at all. that being said, i know some people with "traditional" roles can be quite happy as well.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    That's because no matter how many times he does the dishes, he doesn't put them in the dishrack the right way!!!!!
    You said it.
  • iluvprettyshoes
    iluvprettyshoes Posts: 605 Member
    no one would be happy with me in the kitchen. I can't even make oatmeal without messing it up. no lie!!!
  • StephieF87
    StephieF87 Posts: 60 Member
    I am entirely ok with this IF the wife is a housewife or stay-at-home-mom. However, if both partners work full time, then they should share the housework equally.

  • I think a couple who has to have everything 50/50 is fussing about the wrong things and is bound to fail. We do and give to our mates because we love and care about them. Life is never equal as the eb and flow of realtionships change just as circumstances do. Sometime each person carries the load a bit more than the other. If you have never done more than 50 % in your relationship, I feel sorry for your mate. Sometimes I do more and sometimes he does more. Pregnancies, surgeries, depression, the blues, loss of job, death of a loved one are all examples of lifes issues. When we are down we need our mate to carry us, just as if they are down we will gladly cary them.

    Life is NEVER 50/50. You should give 100% all of the time.

    Excellently said.
  • It's not a surprise. People who strictly follow gender roles are more likely to be traditional in general. Traditionally-minded people are less likely to get divorced.

    My only concern is that people who don't understand the difference between correlation and causality will start flogging this as proof that "women need to learn their place again".
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