A Happy Marriage = Wife in the Kitchen



  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    I thought it went something like "if you want to be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman you wife"

    hahahaha! Love this song! You rock!
  • carriempls
    carriempls Posts: 326 Member
    I always think these statistics are silly- people who, for cultural or religious reasons, believe that women are supposed to subservient baby machines/house maids for the men in their lives probably also have religious and cultural objections to divorce.

    Mystery solved.


    From the same article:
    But the deeper reasons for the higher divorce rate, he suggested, came from the values of “modern” couples rather than the chores they shared.

    “Modern couples are just that, both in the way they divide up the chores and in their perception of marriage” as being less sacred, Mr Hansen said. “In these modern couples, women also have a high level of education and a well-paid job, which makes them less dependent on their spouse financially.

    They can manage much easier if they divorce,” he said. Norway has a long tradition of gender equality and childrearing is shared equally between mothers and fathers in 70 per cent of cases.

    Divorce rates started to increase in the west when women were able to support themselves and their kids without a husband - both because divorce laws changed to provide alimony and child support and because women were increasingly able to enter the workforce and make a decent living.
  • tegtmeyerd
    tegtmeyerd Posts: 66 Member
    That's because no matter how many times he does the dishes, he doesn't put them in the dishrack the right way!!!!!

    Agree!! I don't let him touch the dishes, but he does take out the trash instead.

    I also got tired of doing his half of the cleaning, so I hired a cleaning company. Best decision ever!!
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    Oh, boy. A study!
  • kmacgera
    kmacgera Posts: 137 Member
    That's because no matter how many times he does the dishes, he doesn't put them in the dishrack the right way!!!!!

    D*mn his hide, he's fired!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Agreeing with the people who pointed out that it's because women can support themselves. Shared housework happens more in instances where the women hold a job. They're much more likely to divorce if they can support themselves.
  • crazyellybean
    crazyellybean Posts: 999 Member
    Thats BS.
    If hubby wants me to have energy for him when the sun goes down, he better help.

  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    My husband and I share most everything around the house. Only thing he does only is take trash out and laundry (to a laundromat) mainly because he does it right after work on Friday mornings and it's easier for him to do without the kids than it would be for me. I am really the main one that cleans the house. We take turns with dishes and the cat boxes since we have 4 cats. We also even take turns changing poopy diapers. I feel it's only fair. We go shopping together as a family, even with our two kids. It's much easier this way, and I can definitely understand how splitting things up like this would be good for the marriage. Unless of course, the woman doesn't care and lets the guy run her life.
  • Sassybecky
    Correlation does not equal cause and effect.
  • al369
    al369 Posts: 170 Member
    I always think these statistics are silly- people who, for cultural or religious reasons, believe that women are supposed to subservient baby machines/house maids for the men in their lives probably also have religious and cultural objections to divorce.

    Mystery solved.

    Thanks for putting my thoughts into words.

    Just because someone's not divorcing doesn't mean their marriage is good. Maybe they just feel they don't have options.

    I love being married, but I don't see high divorce rates as bad things. Being stuck in a bad situation is way worse than divorce.

    Yes to all of this! Especially the last sentiment about a bad marriage being worse than divorce!
  • skinnybearlyndsay
    skinnybearlyndsay Posts: 798 Member
    Thats BS.
    If hubby wants me to have energy for him when the sun goes down, he better help.

    Amen. Just because I have a uterus doesn't mean I have to baby him too. He'd better help around the house and help with the cooking or get used to how uncomfortable that couch is. :smile:
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    Marriages fail because of the individuals not fighting to keep the love alive. Divorce is way to easy these days. It is like anything else, you get out of it what you put into it!

    There is no struggle for power in a relationship, you should be true partners!
  • kittyhasclaws
    kittyhasclaws Posts: 446 Member
    I always think these statistics are silly- people who, for cultural or religious reasons, believe that women are supposed to subservient baby machines/house maids for the men in their lives probably also have religious and cultural objections to divorce.

    Mystery solved.

    Thanks for putting my thoughts into words.

    Just because someone's not divorcing doesn't mean their marriage is good. Maybe they just feel they don't have options.

    I love being married, but I don't see high divorce rates as bad things. Being stuck in a bad situation is way worse than divorce.

    Agreed. How many of those "barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen" are too afraid to leave the situation they're in? I do most of the housework because I'm the one that's home most often. But HE does the dishes at night and gets the kids breakfast in the mornings and takes the trash out most of the time. I do the rest of the cooking and cleaning and whatnot because I'm not at work, just school two days a week.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Agreeing with the people who pointed out that it's because women can support themselves. Shared housework happens more in instances where the women hold a job. They're much more likely to divorce if they can support themselves.

    I haven't had a job in over 4 years, and my husband still helps me around the house and helps with OUR children. I'm in college and taking additional classes and there's NO way I'd be able to keep up with all that, kids full time, and a full time job or full and part time job. It just won't happen. I have no way to leave him, nor do I want to, and he doesn't want to leave me either. If this is even an issue, why would two people be together?
  • dbarchus
    My take on that is that people in the UK are very confused since they've recently been told that Men are happiest when sharing the housework (and, no, you didn't misread that, ladies) "according to a study published by Cambridge University, men actually like to do the housework."

  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    Damn, already? It's early!

    ***Gets the popcorn***
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I think there is some truth to the fact that couples that do it this way tend to have more traditional values, and would probably have religious objections to divorce - so it isn't just due to division of labor! Hey, I am one of those religious people. However, earlier in our marriage, I worked outside the home, and my hubby stayed home with our daughter, and he did the lion's share then - laundry, dishes, cleaning house. Just makes sense. I would still make dinner most of the time, because I love to cook.

    Now I have a lot more free time than him, so I do it. Marriage is a partnership above all else, and you just have to work these things out how they make most sense. He does help - and it is great when he does, but he works his *kitten* off in our business, so I would feel bad most of the time asking him to do more. He already works a lot more hours than I do!
  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I always think these statistics are silly- people who, for cultural or religious reasons, believe that women are supposed to subservient baby machines/house maids for the men in their lives probably also have religious and cultural objections to divorce.

    Mystery solved.

    modern means not only sharing housework,
    it means people are less determined to stick together when unhappy
  • Kari089
    Kari089 Posts: 126 Member
    That's because no matter how many times he does the dishes, he doesn't put them in the dishrack the right way!!!!!

    Thank you!

    If I wait around for stuff to be done right I will have to wait a looooong time. I rather do it myself, right the first time and not have to even redo it again. It doesn't matter how many times I explain how it's done..it just never happens.

    This my friends is the key to men getting out of doing chores...lol
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    It's called compromise... I do ALL the cooking and he does the dishes. He does the chores I hate doing and vice versa.
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