A Happy Marriage = Wife in the Kitchen



  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Hmmm... Interesting... I don't know about that though... because I do the lion share of the house cleaning and the cooking... and that is after a 8 hour work day... though my husband does work longer hours sometimes and takes care of other things... but it drives me absolutely batty when I have to pick up after him... you know, the dirty dishes, the dirty clothes, the shoes... and it really does irrate me when I have to take care of HIS dog too... But on the flip side, when he does do these things, it makes me appreciate him more.... I just wish he would put the damn peanut butter jar away, instead of leaving it open on the counter with a knife stuck in it. :ohwell:
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Thats BS.
    If hubby wants me to have energy for him when the sun goes down, he better help.

    haha.true story

    Haha... That's what I keep telling mine too... :laugh:
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Not my wife and my kitchen.
    She passes through it on the way from the garage to our bedroom. If she needs a diet coke, she sends one of the boys for it.

    It's just as well. The only time I've ever heard her curse is when she has tried to cook. It's a pathetic sight really.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    My hubby is a disaster in the kitchen. We are both happier when I am in the kitchen. :tongue: But he's a beast at the grill! :love:
    Anyway, I think happiness depends less on who does what and more on things like mutual respect, communication, lots of sex...
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Maybe it's because men in the UK don't really understand the nature of 50/50 house keeping? I know plenty of women who are tired of policing their sloppy husbands and since they have jobs, just decided to get out.
  • flannelbug
    flannelbug Posts: 23 Member
    "“Maybe it’s sometimes seen as a good thing to have very clear roles with lots of clarity ... where one person is not stepping on the other’s toes,” he suggested."

    Yes, because we all know how the women should stay in the kitchen, and the men should bring home the bacon. How silly. It looks like this article is trying to be non-biased by saying that lack of communication causes divorce, but phrases it in a way that suggests that women should stay at home and/or shoulder all domestic duties. Duties, jobs, responsibilities and communication should be EQUAL in relationships, and both men and women should be able to decide for themselves what they would like to do. Having someone shoulder all responsibility in one area just because they are male or female is detrimental if that's not what the person wants (or believes they must do), and that way of thinking needs to be examined with a critical eye.

    Further suggestion that a woman's choice for doing less housework or sharing that with her partner increases the rate of divorce is ludicrous. Of course, it is always the woman's fault for not knowing her place (sarcasm). If someone wants to divorce you or leave you when you ask them to pick up the slack and equalize work needs to go back to How to Be a Decent Human Being 101.
  • DesireeLovesOrganic
    I do all the kitchen stuff but he does pretty much everything else because he is anal and I'm a slob. Haha He's like "you seriously do not notice this?" Nope, I didn't, not until you just pointed it out. Relax! Haha He said I am like a bachelor. :P

    Ok, that's a lie, I do the toilets/bathrooms too. He doesn't like me to do the laundry because I forget about it and then throw it in the dryer anyways and he says all his clothes "stink like *kitten*." Whoopsie! Somehow he's stuck around for going on 14 years of marriage so it can't be that horrible to live with his "bachelor" wife. ;)

    Just put out a lot, then you never have to do anything. (I'm only sort of kidding.)
  • believe22
    believe22 Posts: 210 Member
    That's because no matter how many times he does the dishes, he doesn't put them in the dishrack the right way!!!!!

    Ha! Exactly.
    Even if he pitches in, I've still got to go behind him and do everything the right way. I guess I'm old fashioned in the sense that I believe the man should be the bread winner and the wife takes care of the house & her husband.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I do all the kitchen stuff but he does pretty much everything else because he is anal and I'm a slob. Haha He's like "you seriously do not notice this?" Nope, I didn't, not until you just pointed it out. Relax! Haha He said I am like a bachelor. :P

    Ok, that's a lie, I do the toilets/bathrooms too. He doesn't like me to do the laundry because I forget about it and then throw it in the dryer anyways and he says all his clothes "stink like *kitten*." Whoopsie!

    Just put out a lot, then you never have to do anything. (I'm only sort of kidding.)

    Lmfao :laugh: This is soo true..
  • anneerick
    anneerick Posts: 147 Member
    In my marriage I do everthing.... I mean everything. I work full time at an equally paid job as him. I do all the household chores, run the kids places, cook, finances, grocery shop, everything..... and still have the energy for some great sexy time.
    AND I have no issues with any of it. I do not keep score.
    Cause the man treats me like gold. Everyday (usually more then once) I am told I am beautiful, I am reminded in so many ways that he loves and cherises me on a daily basis. He chases me around claiming he can't keep his hands off me. He treats me exactly the way I need to be treated in order to feel the best about myself.

    I believe marriage is different for every couple. How it works for them may not work for the next two. Do what makes the other person happy and they will do in return.

    I don't have to be my husband's maid to get this kind of treatment.

    In our marriage, I can't say that it's split 50/50, but we both have our chores. He does all the cooking, vehicle maintenance, and yard work. I do all the cleaning (house, laundry, dishes). I work a lot more hours than him since I'm a grad student, so when I get really behind on things he helps me out.

    I'm not saying that if I stopped all my efforts, he would stop all his, if I leave the dishes...he still loves me. lol. I'm saying that this works for us. I'm not the type of personality to stop, I don't enjoy hours of couch time. He's lazy and I love attention, its a combo that works...
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    I am a stay at home mom. I do all the housework, all the cooking, most of the yard work and the lions share of the child rearing. My husband takes out the trash on occasion (but the won't for some reason break down boxes or anything of that nature, so either I do it or it sits in the yard forever) and he mows lawn a couple of times a month. For the most part I do most of the above things because he simply has no idea HOW to do things like yard work or clean a toilet or wash a dish. This is not snark, he was raised in a environment where they had maids and gardeners, etc. He had similar help right up until we got married and once we were married he not longer need all that help because he had me. He's perfectly happy. I'm ****ing exhausted.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    In my marriage I do everthing.... I mean everything. I work full time at an equally paid job as him. I do all the household chores, run the kids places, cook, finances, grocery shop, everything..... and still have the energy for some great sexy time.
    AND I have no issues with any of it. I do not keep score.
    Cause the man treats me like gold. Everyday (usually more then once) I am told I am beautiful, I am reminded in so many ways that he loves and cherises me on a daily basis. He chases me around claiming he can't keep his hands off me. He treats me exactly the way I need to be treated in order to feel the best about myself.

    I believe marriage is different for every couple. How it works for them may not work for the next two. Do what makes the other person happy and they will do in return.

    Well said!!!!

    Do you have sister that is single? LOL!!!
  • jamaljohar
    religion and culture have no play here.. man goes out to work woman stays home, man returns home and has to work? totally unfair share of the total workload.

    if both worked then 50% of the housework is fair
  • deenaspell
    deenaspell Posts: 227 Member
    Maybe these couples should be doing less housework and more.....bow chicka wow wow

  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    One more reason to never get married.
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    just remember this is also where the knives are kept :D
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Couples who share the housework are more likely to divorce, study finds
    Divorce rates are far higher among “modern” couples who share the housework than in those where the woman does the lion’s share of the chores, a Norwegian study has found. In what appears to be a slap in the face for gender equality, the report found the divorce rate among couples who shared housework equally was around 50 per cent higher than among those where the woman did most of the work.


    I didn't mind splitting house-work with my wife. If we would've had more time and fun in the bedroom and had more fun in-general together that would've helped save us.
  • Jes_ika
    Jes_ika Posts: 72 Member
    I am a stay at home mom so I do all the house work and cook all the time unless there is something to cook on the grill then the hubby does it. I also do everything for the kids, take care of any finances, and do all the shopping for the house. I have no problem with it either. I like my system if someone else does it then it it gets messed up. I don't think my husband should should have to clean up he the one that makes the $$.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    This sounds like a biased study. Couples where each person works full-time would tend to agree to a 50-50 split on house and yard work. It only seems fair if they are both committed to roughly the same number of working hours outside the home. But, the fact that they both work makes divorce more of a possibility because, at least in principle, each partner could be self-supporting.
  • jeannicoleau
    jeannicoleau Posts: 194 Member
    I am very fortunate in that my husband LOVES to do the housework. Is a bit OCD so I let him enjoy. Since I work outside the home I am VERY appreciative at night and have the enrgy to do so. Works great for us. :-)
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