Im new and confused!

Hi i have recently just found the determination i need to get my large *kitten* into gear. I have always thought the best way to lose weight was calories in- exercise = weight loss. So basically if i watched what i ate and excercised more i would lose weight, but from this site i have learned this is not the case! Can someone help me out with what i should/ should not be doing?

I am a 21 year old female i weigh 190lb, my BMR is 1945 and i am 5ft 6inches.

So how many calories should i be eating to lose the most weight possible? As i am getting married in October and want to be as close to 170lbs as i can be!

Also i exercise every day starting out with 30 day shred in the morning then about 30 mins of gym in the afternoon either a class or walking/jogging, using the bike etc then around 30 mins of yoga at night.



  • just fill out the information they ask you and it will tell you how much... and work your butt off lol
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    new and confused it better than old and confused. trust me!

  • mwilke
    mwilke Posts: 378 Member
    When you are on your home page, go into the goals tab and fill that out. It should help you determine the amount of calories you should be eating a day to lose the amount of weight you want to lose in a week (1-2 pounds, or maintenance). The calories that it suggests will already be at a deficit, so if you exercise, I would suggest eating some of the calories back so that you have the energy your body needs to keep going. Good luck!
  • LisaAnn_37
    LisaAnn_37 Posts: 29 Member
    You sound like you're on the way!

    What's your eating habits like? Are you eating enough fruits, veg and whole grains? If you are doing all that at the gym and not seeing results, it could be in what you're eating... have you talked to your doctor?

    When I started this journey, I was 170lbs, 5'6 and 31.
    I'm now 138lbs and 33 years old... only 3lbs away from my goal weight and a lot of it was just in what I ate... for example, instead of cream in my coffee, I use milk and I've lowered my sugar to just one and I don't use splenda or any of that cause it's worse for you then sugar.

    My snacks usually contain fruits and veggies, or a cereal bar and I ALWAYS drink at least 2 liters of water a day.

    My gym routine is 30 min cardio, strength training for about 40 min (2 body parts each session) and abs till failure everytime I go to the gym.

    Feel free to add me as a friend and check out my food diary on a regular basis for ideas if you like :)

    Oh and most importabtly - it's very important to eat 3 meals a day cause if you don't, your body will store the fat not knowing when the next time it will get fed and it'll maintain the weight that you're at and not move (I learned that the hard way! I hated eating breakfast!).

    I hope I've helped you some :happy:
  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    fill in the goals part.
    you will be lucky if you lose 20 pounds in 2 months though.
    when you set your height and current weight and age, and your activity level MFP will ask how much you wanna lose per week
    I bet you say 2 pounds.
    this will give you a pretty low food rating. (if it says 1200 it really is too low for a person your height and you should adjust the goal)
    you should not really stay at 2 pounds per week as a goal but i understand your urgency.
    when you do exercise above your standard activity rating you should log it and eat back most of the cals
    (most, cos it's not accurate)
    the deficit is built in and the exercise will help you eat enough to stay well and fit leading up to your event.

    good luck with this.
  • ScubyUK
    ScubyUK Posts: 271 Member
    Congrats on your impending wedding!

    Personal Opinion only and what works for me.

    1. Drink plenty of water. 2L or so a day.
    2. Watch your Sodium intake. Excess salt in your diet can be a leading cause in water retention.
    3. Eat calories = to your BMR, and make sure you use 1100 calories more than that. Should give you around a 2lb a week loss.
    4. Do not use a scale as your only measurement for success, get a tape measure and track the following measurements.
    Chest, Waist (at the belly button), hips, thighs, calves and biceps.
    5. Nutrition is vital. Aim for around 40% carbs, 30% Proten and 30% Fats.
    6. Cut out Soda, it only bloats you out and leaves you feeling sluggish, even the diet ones.
    7. Cut down on caffeine as much as you can.

    Good luck!
  • Jnine25
    Jnine25 Posts: 126 Member
    I understand your rush in wanting to lose weight, as we all are probably just as eager to lose the extra baggage that we carry. With that being said, I started out with my settings at "lose 2 pounds a week" and my calorie goal was 1200 a day. Not only was this super hard for me to do, it just wasn't realistic to carry out for the rest of my life. I wasn't losing 2 pounds a week either.
    I heard losing slow is better because you are more likely to keep the weight off. I decided to switch my goal to 1 pound a week loss and my daily calorie intake is around 1400. It's amazing what 200 calories will do for ya ;). I feel like this is doable for me and I'm losing, some weeks more, some weeks less.
    I'm also 5'6" but weigh about 30 more pounds than you. Just find a goal (at least 1200 cals), and stick with it! My first month I lost 10 pounds and if I can do it, so can you. Your goal to lose 20 pounds is possible without starving yourself. Good luck and congrats on your engagement!!!
  • 44red
    44red Posts: 2
    I also am new and confused so I am glad you asked the question you did because I am gaining. I read your answers and I will try those. Good luck to you. Add me as a friend.
  • chrisannev
    chrisannev Posts: 1 Member
    Wow! That's alot of exercise! When I exercise like that I get ravenously hungry and usually end up eating way over my caloric limit. My best advice would be to make sure you're drinking enough water/fluids. This does not include carbonated drinks, juice, or other non-clear liquids. Be careful not to drink your calories. Also, a higher fiber diet will help clean the sludge out of your colon which can loosen up your wardrobe a bit. So, try filling up your calorie allotment with lots of fresh green veggies, beans, and berries. If this causes you embarrassing gas issues, then start by eating small portions of beans (1/2 cup) a day and work your way up as your colon becomes trained to handle more fiber.

    As for how many calories to consume in a day, your food and exercise diaries on this site will be very useful. Keep in mind that every pound of body fat is comprised of 3,500 calories. Therefore, if you need to lose 20lbs, then you will need a caloric deficit of about 70,000 calories between now and your goal date (if you need to lose the 20lbs in say 5 weeks then you would divide the 70,000 cal by 35 days - this would mean that in order to meet that goal you would need a daily caloric deficit of 2,000 calories). That kind of caloric deficit will not be easy. As a nurse, I would suggest a smaller goal or to give yourself more time, but I understand that life doesn't always wait for us. So, if you're heart is set on reaching that goal then please be sure to eat at least your BMR in calories every day, and create your caloric deficit through increased exercise. Try this formula: BMR + Calories burned from exercise - Daily caloric deficit needed = Target Daily Caloric Intake
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    It's a great site and you will a lot advice & support from everyone,feel free to add me
  • Thanks for the replies everyone! Yes my calorie allowance is at 1200 and to be honest i am finding it hard to even eat that but ive heard if u under eat it can just be as bad as overeating?

    So if i burn say 400 calories through exercise - i should be eating closer to 1400 calories? :noway:

    I obviously want to do this the healthy way but i really want to make sure i get to my goal weight as i want to feel good about myself in a swimsuit and more importantly my wedding dress!
  • Hang in there you will get plenty of info here....
    You got this...
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    I don't think the goals set for this site are all that realistic. Google scooby's calculator and use their calorie recommendations. It will be much higher than MFP but you also don't eat back your calories because you build that into the equation. It seems a mindf* to eat more, but I've lost weight that way... amazingly
  • peter236uk
    peter236uk Posts: 140 Member
    I would say with that amount of exercise you need around 1500 to 2000 calories per day which may seem a large amount however the body needs fuel.

    I am looking to kick start my programme and eating around 2000 calls per day which as my exercise increases would expect to rise to around 2500 cals per day.

    The trick I think is to eat good food and not to much I know a few professional sportsman and they all eat around 5 small meals a day.

    If you are working out twice a day then you need to consume enough fuel to maintain that or you will go backwards make your self unwell and end up fail. I have seen many people try this diet and that and most fail and slip back. It has to be a lifestyle change. EAT well and Exercise.
  • You should eat 1500 calories/day and be patient it will come off. It is way easier to gain than to lose. Patience is key! Also make sure to choose nutrient rich food vs crapy processed food. Read ingredients, if you don't know what the ingredient is, you shouldn't eat it.
  • peter236uk
    peter236uk Posts: 140 Member
    Based on your height and weight and activity this would be the recommended amounts. I would say 1500 to 1800 a day sounds about the correct amount.

    Maintenance 2262
    Fat Loss 1810
    Extreme Fat Loss 1520
    7 day calorie cycle (zig-zag)
  • My food daily food diary looks something like this based on 1200 calories a day:

    Breakfast : either cereal with semi skimmed milk or wholemeal bread with peanut butter

    Snack: small fuit bag

    Lunch: Cup a soup ( i work at a desk so cant eat 'proper' lunches)

    Snack - small fruit bag

    Dinner: Chicken with a little potatoes, salad etc

    So putting all that into my meal planner for tomorrow ( i plan in advance) im left with over 700 calories to eat after excerise has been factored in! What can i eat to make up the numbers or what changes can i make to my diet?

    Sorry for all the questions but want to make sure i do this right :smile:
  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    nuts and sultanas bring calories up fast and are still healthy
    you could have biscuit with your soup

    dairy looks a little low, esp if you have the peanut butter for breakfast
    you could have some cheese, maybe with lunch.
  • Hello I also am new to the site. I am 195 lbs and my goal is 150.
    Add me if you have a similar goal that you have completed or are going to complete :)