MrsT0fu Member


  • @Alatariel75 I figured worst case I can do that. I was trying to see if anyone knew of a resource online that had that info to save the time and hassle, but I may just be out of luck. @Daddy78230 That is a good idea too. I think I have seen listings for apple peel, so that is good for that. I know mango and especially kiwi…
  • I eat the whole fruit. Sometimes if I'm peeling a kiwi for my daughter or husband I'll eat the skin and give them the fruit. (Extra fiber for me.) A trick I learned to peeling a kiwi fruit is if you slice the ends off and then take the back of a spoon and slide it under the skin around the edge of the fruit. You may be…
  • Congrats on all counts! Especially the garden, that sounds really rewarding. I started a garden this year and it was doing really well, but I slacked off too much about putting a guard around it, so it got deer'ed. Oh well.
    in Hurray! Comment by MrsT0fu July 2012
  • Kym, those are some AWESOME NSVs! Keep up the good work!
  • Being isolated is definitely going to trigger depression and having a newborn can be rough. I think it's one hundred percent understandable that you feel that way. However some things you can do to combat that are to be active and connect with other people. I highly recommend an organization called MOPS. That's Mother's of…
  • OP, I think you articulated your point well. I think one of the major obstacles people face when the observe an alleged faith vs. science perspective is the sheer ignorance people have about the Bible. Generally people's understanding of it is greatly flawed and limited. Unfortunately there's so much that people are…
    in Reasonable Comment by MrsT0fu July 2012
  • Bump for later. :)
  • Here's a site I sometimes use:
  • This. I am glad that your friend really was a friend and defended you to her SIL. Don't waste your time getting into anything with the SIL, you are doing great- 45 lbs is a very big accomplishment.
  • I think it might be too early to tell. There are a lot of factors at play. If you have more to lose then you may have higher initial losses which may level out over time. It could be influenced by daily weight fluctuations. I don't mean to downplay your loss, progress is progress. However, I think what the others were…
  • Sounds kind of Irish.
  • @ Doug, Iranian?
  • That is really cool. As for me: 1.I am the oldest of six brothers and sisters (4 boys, 2 girls, all home births.) 2. My middle name was designed as an acronym. 3. I got married at 22. 4. I love learning foreign languages. ( I can speak/read/write some Spanish, I know phrases in several languages, and I can read a little…
  • Yay! Progress is always a wonderful thing. :happy: Also, to the person who asked if the scale jumps around a lot, it depends on where I set it on the floor. I know that the floors in my house aren't all level, so I try to find an even area and then weigh myself a couple times. The numbers don't move too erratically, but I…
    in Scales.... Comment by MrsT0fu July 2012
  • I have a Weight Watchers LED display scale that my husband and I got from Costco for maybe $20. I am satisfied with it. While it would be nice to have extra perks like weighing body fat or BMI or things like that I've found that this scale is reliable as far as I can tell and the display is easy to read. It also takes…
    in Scales.... Comment by MrsT0fu July 2012
  • Woo hoo! I did it! 30x abs, 10 left obliques, 20 right obliques, 30x abs, 10 left obliques, 20 right obliques, 30x abs. My left side is definitely a lot weaker than my right side. Good to know.
  • I think I can do this. Challenge accepted.