Low Carb Ideas

My doctor put me on a very strict diet today!!! I am only suppost to have 30 carbs per day!!!
Any recipe ideas would be greatly apprecitated!!!
Thanks & GOD bless :smile:


  • byrdamy
    byrdamy Posts: 40
    Check out under the groups a group called Low Carber's (or something like that), great group of people.
  • Reaunette
    Reaunette Posts: 3
    Thank you so much!!!!
  • toysbigkid
    toysbigkid Posts: 545 Member
    I love fruit so it's hard to do a low carb diet for me, the carbs jump right up with fruit and yogurts. Mostly veggies and meat I guess.
  • kopmom
    kopmom Posts: 491 Member
    Chicken Salad, Egg or Tuna Salad on Lettuce
    Omlets or Eggs
    Meats and Seafood
    Veggies (low carb...broc, green beans , spinach)
    Salads (add chicken)
    BLT on a lettuce wrap
  • run17
    run17 Posts: 27
    Low carb diets does take off weight fast, but they always make me very tired and I get more headaches. Make sure you take a good multi-vitamin. I like the Atkins protein shakes if i am too busy to eat lunch. Their snack bars are delicious if you need a treat. Whenever I follow a low carb diet I try to use a lot of spices in my meals. Breakfast is usually eggs with spinach and light blue cheese with salsa. lunch is mixed greens with chicken or shrimp and low sugar dressing. Dinner is broiled salmon or scallops in light cream sauce and lots of veggies. Try the atkins website they have a ton of free recipes! Good Luck!
  • Reaunette
    Reaunette Posts: 3
    Thank you all so much!:smile:
  • Sweetsys
    Sweetsys Posts: 78 Member
    I found a recipe on the Choose to Lose website last week and fixied. Pretty simple, shrimp, tomatoes, a little olive oil, low fat feta cheese & I used lemon pepper & fresh Greek oregano. I'm sure if you go to the website it will still be there. He posts a lowcarb recipe each week.
  • 4mybabys
    4mybabys Posts: 7
    I don't have a specific low carb recipe for you but, a tip. I love to cook and use a web site called Super Cook to find recipes withing my healthy eating plan. On this site you can add all ingredients in your kitchen. I choose to only add ingredients in my plan. You can add exclusions like butter, dairy, sugar etc. Then, it will search the Internet and list all recipes that can be created with the food I have on hand. Because I only enter food within my diet plan I am able to find recipes which work for me. This allows me to continue cook and eat with my large family of 6 and remain within the parameters of my diet. It also, allows you to click specific ingredients you want to use in a recipe that day. Love the site! You may be able to use it and find nutrition values on the recipe page which would alert you to low carb options. Hope this helps!
  • avasano
    avasano Posts: 487 Member
    Dr Dukan's book
  • MrsT0fu
    MrsT0fu Posts: 18 Member
    Here's a site I sometimes use:
