KillaKermie Member


  • Hey! I'm 22 and looking to lose about 80lbs I'm getting there slowly always happy to have a bigger friend network and more support :-) Just remember day by day! One bad meal doesn't make you fat and one healthy meal doesn't make you skinny
  • I did spinning for a bit but I've dropped it now I'd rather do and hour elliptical x
  • Oh gawd!!! I've not felt like that! I will try to (: I think I just even it out as I don't always know how much I'm eating!!!
  • I don't know whether they're true so I just eat my allowance and don't eat back my burn off!! Don't get me wrong I'm never hungry I always eat if I'm hungry! I'm drinking like 3 litres of water a day and I go gym all the time (: I'm trying to find my footing on what to eat and when as such On days where I work I don't have…
  • Yeah I mean I completely understand that I was shocked with what I have lost I have measured myself for my before so I can see through inches where I've lost!!! I don't expect myself to be where I want to be when I go away but it would be good to be really making bistable progress!!! I'm dreading only losing 1lb ): I do…
  • Love that quote! I only weigh myself once a week but I measure myself to give myself a true understanding of losing (:
  • Good on you for starting the change! I myself decided beginning of march to change my life and I was 210+ Use the food diary to realise what your eating that helped me! Do you binge on naughty sweet stuff? I used to but now when my partner has some I just have a taster so I don't crave it! Slowly does it! Good luck