sticker shock

I was getting depressed about how slow the number were moving on the scale - so I stopped weighing myself thinking I would be better off simply monitoring my food and exercise and the weight will fall where it will. I did this for about five months. For me, this was a mistake! I had to go in for surgery, stepped on the scale and forgot to close my eyes. Ouch and double ouch.

So, I can choose to be depressed that I weigh almost the most I ever have, or I can choose to face the music once a week and keep track. I have seen the importance of not only counting calories and exercise, but using this as a weigh of measuring, - literally - my my progress.

I just post this as public confessional. I know there's no shaming here but I feel like i need to make some kind of statement to kick off my journey.......again. It has been a daily struggle since I turned forty and started sitting at the computer every day for wok. But I read the success stories board and got inspired. So onward and, hopefully, this time, downward.


  • fourluvbugs
    fourluvbugs Posts: 194 Member
    Good for you! I think this journey requires a regular recommitment to ourselves and our future. So you had a setback. It happens. Now you are learning from that and moving forward. Hooray! I also have a desk sitting job and am a young 40 something, so I definitely appreciate the additional challenge that adds. At the same time though, you can succeed (and I can succeed!) as long as the commitment and follow through are there.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Good for you for getting the motivation to get going again! I need that weekly weigh in to keep me on track, no matter how much it may hurt or how much I may want to bury my head in the sand. Ignorance is bliss, right? I have been maintaining now for over 2 years but I still do a weekly weigh in so my weight doesn't start slowly creeping up on me.
  • caarsen
    caarsen Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks for the motivation, people. I used to get so depressed weighing myself and seeing so little progress that was why I quit, but I've made the decision to log more regularly, move more often and be patient. Because little progress downward is better than more upward.
  • Tashamarie55
    Tashamarie55 Posts: 17 Member
    Because little progress downward is better than more upward.

    ^ I think I am going to add this to my list of favorite weight loss quotes. So true! Good for you for getting back on track! :)
  • SharonNehring
    SharonNehring Posts: 535 Member
    You can do this! I tell myself that every day. I CAN do this! I'm also a 40 something female,who works at a computer all day. Luckily I have a private office, so during the day I stretch, do desk push ups, leg lifts, a couple of yoga poses etc. These 5 min mini breaks gets me up and moving a little and every bit counts.
  • KillaKermie
    KillaKermie Posts: 8 Member
    Because little progress downward is better than more upward.

    Love that quote! I only weigh myself once a week but I measure myself to give myself a true understanding of losing (: