300 lbs and need motovation and support.....

I need some input from others that have lost weight and how they have gotten to they're goal or are on they're way. I'm 305 and 5'10" I don't know what to really do. I work all the time on my feet walking for 7-9 hours a night and when I'm home I have a now 11month old daughter. I want to lose weight to gain some self worth that I have been lacking for years and I want to live to watch my daughter grow up. I'm at risk of diabetes and heart deiseas because of family.I've tried diets andn I always end up gaining more weight idk what else to do, and don't have anyonento reach out tk. Pleas add me and help me out with what has helped you lose weight and start the road to your goal.


  • ejdp254
    ejdp254 Posts: 342 Member
    Work out your calories, how much you need daily, create a deficit so your under a bit , weigh all your food, liquid and solid and try an introduce exercise if possible but then make sure to eat back any calories earned. You'll get there you've taken the first step and there's plenty of support here for when you need it :flowerforyou:
  • SharonNehring
    SharonNehring Posts: 535 Member
    Set up your goals here and see what MFP gives you for calories per day. Get a food scale to help you figure out what a portion really looks like then start logging everything you eat/drink.

    After a week or so, look at how you did. Where did you go over? Was there a particular food that was way more calories than expected? Is there something you could have substituted that would have given you "more bang" for your calorie bucks? Is there one or two foods which you just can't control your portion, like potato chips?

    Then start making some changes. Swap out a high cal food for something better. Stop drinking beverages with calories (except for milk). Adding more protein and fiber will keep you feeling full longer. Remove those chips, ice cream or whatever from the house for now until you feel you can eat just one portion and put them away. (I've found that individual packs of snacks or ice cream bar works better for me.)

    This is really a learning process, re -teaching yourself how to look at food. For the first couple of weeks I was miserable and so hungry I couldn't stand it but that was because I hadn't figured out what works for me yet. Stick it out and it does get easier. You will learn how to incorporate that cookie into your meal plan and not go over on calories. Or how to pick healthier foods off a restaurant menu. When you feel ready, then try to incorporate more movement into your day.

    I won't lie, no matter how supportive we are here you still must find your own motivation for wanting to make this lifestyle change. And that's what it is, a lifestyle and not a diet. Diets end and you'll regain all you've lost. You have to commit to this. Feel free to add me or message me if you'd like. I have a long ways to go on my own journey, so I'm here at some point every day.
  • 6ftamazon
    6ftamazon Posts: 340 Member
    I'm currently 300 lbs myself. I found that once I stopped eating processed foods and diet pop, I didn't have as much of a hard time with my eating. Once I "cleaned up" my eating, I found that I had more energy and started working out. I had to slowly add exercise...2 months ago I seriously couldn't jump off the ground. Now I work out 60-90 min a day, 4-5 days a week and I consciously incorporate exercise into my daily life. I'll do a set or two of exercises during commercials, study breaks, walk up stairs more, etc. it does get easier!
  • jaecamp1
    jaecamp1 Posts: 120 Member
    The best thing about mfp is that it gives you hour goals. All you have to do is stick with it. My highest was 287 and I was 257 when I started on here. For me the biggest thing was being totally honest with myself about what I was eating and how much. Weigh and measure (and log!) everything! The biggest change I had to make was to skip all those unnecessary calories. One bite here and there adds up like crazy. Once you start logging that and see that you are over your calories without yet having a meal you realise how unimportant they were.
  • KillaKermie
    KillaKermie Posts: 8 Member
    Good on you for starting the change! I myself decided beginning of march to change my life and I was 210+

    Use the food diary to realise what your eating that helped me!
    Do you binge on naughty sweet stuff? I used to but now when my partner has some I just have a taster so I don't crave it!
    Slowly does it!
    Good luck
  • foregoer
    foregoer Posts: 1 Member
    Absolutely what was said above.

    The only thing you need to tell yourself, don't ever give up.

    Even when you're tired and beat by work and everything, don't stop, don't give up.

    Even when you think you're on a roll and you can get away with a little bit, don't stop, don't give up.

    Even when you've lost 30lbs (which you definitely will!), don't stop, don't give up.

    Set that goal, and just keep working at it, every day, and you will get it!! =)
  • librarydebster
    librarydebster Posts: 177 Member
    I decided to do two things to get me started. I exercise 4 times a week for 30 mins and I eat 5 fruits/vegetables each day. I also take food to work so that I don't walk over to tim Horton's.

    Those things alone made a huge difference. And believe in yourself.

    So far I have lost over 20 pounds this year and my blood sugars are now good. I will lose more weight because that is my goal and nothing will stop me. Bicycling weather is coming up and if you can afford it you can get a mini trailer to pull your child in while you get exercise.
  • akmacs5
    akmacs5 Posts: 4 Member
    For me, it was realizing this isn't a diet. You can eat regular food but steer clear of processed & high sodium food. I found a lot of new food that tastes great that I make myself. I cook one afternoon a few things for the next week, cut vegies etc so it's just a quick grab during the busy week. I log either as I put together my meals for the day or BEFORE I eat. If I still want more after, drink water or find something to occupy you. I was surprised to see how many calories many things I thought were healthy. Now I avoid those things and find the better option. So if you have a tough day & over eat or eat bad stuff, so what. It's one day & it didn't ruin all your progress. Each day is a new day. Don't self loath. Just get back in there & forget about the day or meal before. You can do it!!
  • westj1975
    westj1975 Posts: 3 Member
    The following are some suggestions that I found have helped me thus far. (that being said, I've slipped now and then. But mostly doing better).

    1) Small steps. Each year, and I mean year, I selected a new step.

    First I moved from binge eating to having 3 meals a day. Granted at first I was having 3 meals the same size as the 1 binge meal. But very quickly this was reduced simply by the fact that my body told me I was over full.

    2nd year I went from just having 3 meals a day to paying better attention to the quality of meals. I tried to forgo eating out as much and prepare more at home. (not as successful on this one. I used the excuse that I was always on the go and couldn't afford the time to eat in).

    3rd year, being diagnosed with Diabetes and losing feeling in some limbs.. on the way to losing limbs potentially. I decided to step back a bit from all the meats I was eating and investigate and play with some of the vegetarian dishes. I did this by consulting with my physician first. As I have heard stories of people going this route and suffering from various deficiencies. In my case, as I wasn't planing to go full on vegetarian, she advised me I should be okay.

    I'm in my fourth year of trying to maintain the weight I am at and slowly reduce it to a healthy level. This year I am focusing on being more honest with myself. A part of that is adopting this website to monitor and track everything I'm eating and drinking. I have to stress the being honest part. I used to use similar sites and use a guessing factor. This time I'm measuring and being honest about the true types and amounts of things I eat.
  • skyethebard
    skyethebard Posts: 18 Member
    Hello! I am probably around 280lbs but I'm not sure.

    I'm just starting out, too, so I don't have much to say about what works...but I can tell you that since I cut out processed foods (90%) and most of the sugar, I have felt much better! A typical day of food entails eggs w/ a fruit or veggie in the morning, a salad w/ protein and sesame seeds for lunch and a protein + 2-3 veggies for dinner. I snack if I start to feel it necessary and I usually have a cup of coffee w/ coconut milk somewhere in the day. For the most part, I don't feel deprived but I will admit that I cave to a small amount of candy or other sweet too often. I'm working on that.

    Friend me if you think we could support one another :-)
  • tigga352
    tigga352 Posts: 2
    This is some great advise! :smile: :smile:
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    work out your calories to lose 2 pounds a week here on mfp. follow that recommendation. drink water. take walks. it will come off. ive lost 73 pounds in 8 months doing this. eventually you will need to tune stuff up. change things and your calories as well. obviously now i am not losing 2 pounds a week anymore. but its all good.
  • tigga352
    tigga352 Posts: 2
    I am 334 lbs.. I can't tell you how many times I have started to workout and ended up stopping b/c I wasn't getting that instant gratification I was looking for.. But this time I really need to stick with it b/c i'm not getting any younger. I have a couple people that are pretty good at motivating me from afar but it's kinda hard b/c they have always been skinny.. Dont get me wrong I have nothing against skinny people but I feel like a lot of them don't know the mental struggle especially once you have reached 300 + pounds.. I am feel more confident reading all of these different blogs and post b/c I don't feel alone.. This motivates me to stick with my plan and encourage other people as well.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    In order to succeed you will need to realize you are worth it. Self love is the secret to successful weight loss.

    Never look to someone else to give you what only you can give yourself.

    The motivation has to come from within not an outside source.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    Start here:


    Weight loss doesn't have to be hard. It doesn't have to be denial, self loath, hunger, and tears. Don't rush the process. Accept that each pound is one pound closer to your goal, even if it might not happen as quickly as you like. It's not a race. There's quite a few people on here who have lost a LOT of weight, and I think every single one of them will tell you that sustainability is key for long term success.
  • katlaf23
    katlaf23 Posts: 20
    Cut out all the junk food. For me that meant candy, cookies, and cake. If you're a soda drinker then it's time to wean yourself off. Also be cautious of calories in other drinks, too. Those coffee drinks from fast food places pack a ton of calories with all the cream and sugar they put in them.

    For the exercise part, start walking, and then start jogging as soon as you're able to. Lift weights as soon as you can (even small weights count). That will boost up your weight loss in no time.

    Good luck to you! People here have wonderful advice and provide great support to you in your journey.
  • chasingdreams18
    chasingdreams18 Posts: 110 Member
    In order to succeed you will need to realize you are worth it. Self love is the secret to successful weight loss.

    Never look to someone else to give you what only you can give yourself.

    The motivation has to come from within not an outside source.

    SHE SAID IT RIGHT THERE :flowerforyou:
  • brinabj
    brinabj Posts: 28
    You can do it you have to want it bad enough i was 309 at my heaviest i am 6'0 ft tall i am now 253 and im still working its a long process but it is definitely worth it.. take baby steps dont push your self to hard or you will burn out fast always remember it takes time.
  • R_Woodruff
    R_Woodruff Posts: 74 Member
    For me, it was realizing this isn't a diet. You can eat regular food but steer clear of processed & high sodium food. I found a lot of new food that tastes great that I make myself. I cook one afternoon a few things for the next week, cut vegies etc so it's just a quick grab during the busy week. I log either as I put together my meals for the day or BEFORE I eat. If I still want more after, drink water or find something to occupy you. I was surprised to see how many calories many things I thought were healthy. Now I avoid those things and find the better option. So if you have a tough day & over eat or eat bad stuff, so what. It's one day & it didn't ruin all your progress. Each day is a new day. Don't self loath. Just get back in there & forget about the day or meal before. You can do it!!

  • chellelbelle79
    chellelbelle79 Posts: 5 Member
    I am currently 350 lbs exactly (weighed myself this morning) and just started my journey 2 days ago. I have a 13 year old daughter that I have the same fears as you do.. I want to see her graduate, I want to watch her get married and be able to do things with her. I regret that I let myself get this big and because of that we didn't go to the park as often as she might have liked to or that I couldn't go out and ride bikes with her or don't have the energy to do things with her. I completely feel where you are coming from! I have tried other methods to lose weight and then fell off the horse and gained it all back and then some! One of the things that I did come away from with Weight Watchers, when I was part of it, was that although you want to stay within your calories for the day, you also don't want to be too low or your body will go into starvation! I had a tendancy to make drastic changes and eat almost all fruits and veggies and I still ended up not losing. I am not by any means the expert at losing weight, as I am just starting my journey over myself, but that was something that I know I really struggled with.

    I wish you the best of luck and I will be right here going through the journey at the same time! We are all in this together! :smile: