JessRosko Member


  • Totally me...but that is going to change. My current goal is to be in a bikini by summer for the first time in my life, and you know what, it is going to happen. Then after that I am working on 6-pk abs...or at least 4-pk :)
  • I found a great Twice Baked Butternut Squash recipe that I love that has just a few ingredients....Butternut Squash, shallots, gorgonzola and quinoa...AWESOME! You can find the recipe on pinterest.
  • I have almost completely cut out sugar, my only weakness is fruit greek yogurt. Other than that my sugar comes from vegetables - so tomatoes/spaghetti squash/lettuce. It was hard, but so worth it. When I have something on my 'free' day, it usually isn't sugar based. I will crave pizza. This coming from a girl who could sit…
  • Favorite: 1000Grand, but I like them only in the small Halloween variety...weird Hate: With everyone on those stupid peanut butter in orange/black wrappers...yuck
  • I am a firm believer of "Actions speak louder than words". I made a huge life change in July and am not quite out of the overweight bucket, but getting there. Let's just say that my own lifestyle change has impacted many around me and they also are starting to pay more attention to what they eat and what they do. Be a…