I know exactly what you mean. Its hard to be social and on this journey, becuase it seems those who are healthy and such, wont give someone overweight the time of day, and others who will dont have any ambition to be healthy.. its terrible.
I started at 290. Currently at 272.4. I WILL JOIN YOu ONE DAY :)
Thanks for the suggestions! Nuts are out of the question - I do co-op in a childcare center and cant bring them or peanut butter. Ill take the rest into consideration for sure!
Thanks Everyone! :)
I am a 40DDD. I have 100 + pounds to lose to be a healthy weight. I know I will lose mine, probably drastically. And I am already sad about this and it hasn't even started.
Hmm... I hope it is? Becuase I wear mine in a ponytail, everyday, all day. Moreso becuase I go to school and work in a daycare, so it's best to prevent lice this way, but I always have it up, It's super long as well and bothers me if its down, but I dont want to cut it.
I'm lucky to get more then 4 hours on school nights.. I can never seem to keep myself on a good sleep pattern.. I can easily stay up till 6am-7am, and sleep all day... but even if I get up at 6am, I have a hard time going back to bed before 3am that night.. Co-op is going to be hard for me!
Looking for people very overweight, all the way to people just maintaining / building muscle! Everyone has different thoughts, and I love to hear all the different ideas people have!
For this post, I promise you are going to get A LOT of: "a pound is a pound" related replies. SEEING as I believe you mean that if you have the SAME volume of each, the muscle would be heavier. and yes this is true. :)
You look incredible! This is such an inspiring transformation! You can do it!
If I was into girls most certainly! You sound super nice and your georgous.
I AGREE! Do the 80% instead. Don't subtract 500 cals.
When I started using this, I ate 1400 a day. Thinking it was great. I now eat around 2,000 a day. And still losing at the same rate, sometimes more. Just eat healthy. If your eating healthy, I dont think you need to be so strict. It's the food your putting in, not the amount of calories . If you eat 1300 cals of crap, its…
I'm 19 - in my first year of college. I started at 290 pounds. (I know its not 300 but its close, the number 300 scared me and kicked my butt into gear) Feel free to add me :)
SADLY people don't understand. 3500 cals = 1lb. OF BURNED EXCERISE CALS. NOT EATING CALORIES. Eat 3500 calores of fruit, veggies.. Eat 3500 calories of fast food, junk food. I garuntee anything, you wont gain weight on the healthy food, but will gain more than a pound on the junk!
Laser. I have DDD already haha ! I don't need more. But also - I really think natural, no matter how small, look WAY better than fake.
Always read the ingrediants, and mentally know your intake goal for the day. DONT eat something thats 40% or more of your daily goal - as youll go over! That's what I do. If It's 35% or more of my daily goal, I dont bother eating it.
I have the SAME problem. In mirrors and everything, I see myself smaller.. in Pictures, I look about 50 pounds heavier than I see. Your not alone.
Thank you.
I started at 290.
Seeing all the success on here - I wouldnt give up yet... Up cardio / excersize, change something with your eating. THERE ARE TONS of reasons you may not be losing, and depends how much you have to lose and how different your lifestyle is. If you keep the same lifestyle - youll stay the same weight. If you really change…
I could easily hit 80 - I have a love for green veggies.
okay thanks everyone! :)
I use to feel that way. BUT I am a mothers helper to a family currently - and there is a 3 yr old and 1 year old. The 3 year old will NOT sit in a stroller, Not be held, hold onto the stroller or stay beside you. He CONSTANTLY takes off running, and you can't hold the baby / push the stroller and run fast enough to catch…
For your healthy weight - Check with your doctor! You CANT go by your height alone! As for me, I'm 5'6 and people say 125-140 is healthy for me. HOWEVER. I am a large framed girl. (Dutch!) So My doctor has said, 160-175 is the lowest I should really be to be healthy! And thats 20-35 pounds MORE than what my height is. :)
^^ Seeing as I have been having tom monthly for the last 7 years of my life, I do know what it does to my body, and I do know that I will lose the weight.
I am 285 pounds. I can feel my ribs, and hip bones perfectly without pressing / pushing in. I am a size 24 in pants, and I also know I can be a size 7. You'll just have to work at it and see
My goal is 60! Hope we can achieve it together! I need to lose 105 lbs in 280 days. (May 1st)
I am called crazy for my couponing - ESPECIALLY becuase I am in Canada - and our coupon rules suck compared to the states. I have a huge binder - filled with everything I dont need to Most things I do need. If I get it free - I get it and if I dont need it give it to someone who does. I average a 25%-50% savings, sometimes…