alsmomma Member


  • I could have written Sharon 3397's post almost word-for-word! I just reactivated my MyFitnessPal account this morning and am still trying to figure out the best type of program/diet for me. I'd love to know what you've been doing since May.
  • Sarah, I think I'm doing straight to cut. I'm just starting out if that tells you anything. My figures are based on a 25% calorie reduction. I'm new so if I need to change it back to 15 or 20 I'm fine with that. I'm coming off a keto diet so all these calories, carbs and proteins are overwhelming to me anyway! So you're…
  • I've been eating 1500 calories a day and to start with my protein was close to 100, with low carbs and moderate fats. I've just felt so bad and run-down and haven't seen any results so I posted a question in another group I'm in (not diet related). They all began to tell me I'm eating way to few carbs! I'd joined the EM2WL…
  • Wow! I'm just floored! I've been doing a low-carb, high-fat diet for two months with no success and no energy so to think I can even eat this many calories, especially carbs, just blows my mind! I do some walking every day and just a little weight lifting with dumbbells, which I'm going to increase now. This is my first…
  • You can adapt almost any recipe to be sugar-free just by substituting the sugar with sweetener like Splenda or xylitol. I mix sugar-free jello (any flavor you like) with whipping cream in my Magic Bullet and then put in the fridge for a wonderful sugar-free mousse. I have a recipe to make chocolate mousse using Diet Swiss…
    in Sugar free Comment by alsmomma June 2013
  • I'm curious about the amount of protein you're suggesting. I realize protein plays an important role in weight loss, being full and building muscle and I'm eating about 40% protein a day but 1 gram per pound of body weight sounds like a *lot* of protein! I've heard that too much protein can be bad for your body. What's the…
  • There are lots of recipes on the boards to make muffins, cookies and such but my favorite way is to put about 1 cup of ice in my Magic Bullet glass, 1/2 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk and a scoop of chocolate protein powder. Blend it 2-3 minutes until all the ice is finely chopped and you have a great tasting…
  • I agree with the others' comments --- it's not healthy or realistic to try and eat 600 calories a day. I try to stay around 1200 and even that's hard sometimes. I've upped my protein from what MFP suggested and that's helped but some days I'm still hungry so I eat.
  • This sounds really good! Do you have the nutritional breakdown on it?
  • Acidophilus is the good bacteria that's supposed to help your digestive tract, like what's found in yogurt and probiotics. I take it everyday because my stomach constantly makes all these weird noises! I took a probiotic for several months and it seemed to help but I thought the acidophilus would work just as well and be…
  • Makes sense but I wasn't interested because it was clean as much as I was because it sounded good...until I got to the unpopped kernels. I see lots of broken teeth!
  • Maybe I'm missing something but why would you want to eat unpopped popcorn?
  • Thanks! I just hope it eases off soon!
  • Beef roast with a packet of Au Jus. Cook on low when I leave home in the morning and it falls to pieces for French Dips. I strain the juice and put a little in a bowl for everyone and serve it on hoagie rolls. You could probably find a better type of roll for it though. This is one of our all-time favorites!
  • DopeItuP, it's not shoulder joint pain but the muscle at the top of the shoulder and no, I'm not *positive* that's the culprit. In fact, I didn't even consider it until my husband suggested it. That's why I was asking. The pain is more like severe cramping or pinching more than anything, like if the muscles were knotted…
  • Up until this week I haven't had any trouble with the weight giving me trouble. I do 10-15 reps, usually only one set at a time, although I may do it two or three times a day. It sounds like I need to go back to the lower weight for a while, until I'm more developed. I certainly can't take this pain and I don't want to…
  • Maybe I did get the carbs and protein ratios reversed! And I normally start my day with a protein shake because of the higher protein/lower calorie ratio. It seems to be the best route for me. I'm still trying to acquire a taste for cottage cheese! Do you think I should just reverse the carb/protein and leave the calories…
  • I either eat sugar-free pudding cup (70 calories) or caramel mini rice cakes (110 calories for 13 cakes).
  • One of the *best* inventions ever! I make smoothies and protein shakes, slushies, salad dressing, frosting, and chop nuts. Mine came with a recipe book but I've never really used it.
  • I've found the best thing for me is a protein shake made with 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk (more protein) and 1/2 cup water and some ice. The protein powder alone is 25 grams and I'm full until lunch (I eat at 6:30). For something different this morning I ate a bowl of Raisin Bran with almond milk...I was still hungry…
  • Do you have a nutritional breakdown on this recipe? I really like chicken salad made like this and I put curry powder in it as well but I haven't tried it since I've joined MFP.
  • I made Ranch dressing using the seasoning packet you can buy in the store, 1 cup of 2% milk (but you could use 1%) and 1 cup of Hellman's Olive Oil Mayo (that stuff is amazing!). It makes 2 cups of dressing, a serving is 2 Tbsps. and it came out to be 43 caloreies per serving versus 140 from the store-bought bottle…
  • I know the honey mustard was bad but I considered that my splurge day. I love, love, love the Dole Fruit Crisps but I know they're not as good a snack choice. Do you think it's just here and there things like that that are blowing it for me?
    in Macros Comment by alsmomma July 2012
  • shrinkinjoggl Joined Apr 2011 Posts: 104 Mon 07/16/12 04:38 PM QUOTE: Hmmmm...this does seem to be a very sensitive subject to some, doesn't it? One question...what is a macro? Is that my other nutrients (fiber, fat, protein, etc.)? you got it!! :) Report Post |Quote |Reply kylTKe Joined Apr 2012 Posts: 86 Mon 07/16/12…
  • Hmmmm...this does seem to be a very sensitive subject to some, doesn't it? One question...what is a macro? Is that my other nutrients (fiber, fat, protein, etc.)?
  • Thanks for this post! I've only been doing MFP two weeks now (and haven't dared to weigh yet). I don't really know any of the "rules" but when I put my info in MFP told me how many calories I could eat a day and how many I earn by exercising. I, too, have eaten ice cream almost every single day but it's a big difference…