suezensays Member


  • The edible kind...gets me every time.
  • A friend is teaching me some jiu jitsu basics, but it's not for a belt or's more so I'm not defenseless while I'm out jogging by myself. I love's empowering and a great stress reliever.
  • Trying to decide between Run or Dye and Color Me Rad.
  • I have never (not even once) had a bloody nose...even when my kids were babies and they would do that bobble-head headbutt right in the nose that babies love to do.
  • Ha! I was slightly intoxicated at the time. And I lack grace even when I'm sober. I would have face-planted in that scenario, I guarantee it.
  • ...and sharp rocks in your back.
  • lasts quite a while, and it's filling. It has protein. You can even find it on least one brand should be on sale. Also, if you have a bulk section...look for nuts. Healthy fats. Protein. Long shelf life. Winnings all around. Good luck!
  • Sandwiches, soups, omelets, steamed, sauteed...I could eat it every day. My favorite way is to roll spinach and pepper-jack cheese in a flattened chicken breast, then bake at 400 degrees for about 25 - 30 minutes.
    in Spinach ? Comment by suezensays May 2013
  • Well, now I want cake.
  • Well, yeah...there's that too :laugh:
  • Ike Clanton: What's wrong with him? [asking about Doc] Milt Joyce: Lunger. Ike Clanton [speaking to Doc] : Yeah, well I hope you die.
  • Now I'm craving broccoli and cheese mini egg omelets. Damn. I use a little water. I used to use milk, or half and half, but really can't notice a difference now. That may be because I snarf them down so fast. But in my little world of hidden calories that "don't count", I gained too much weight. So now I try to cut them…
  • I'll grab a rotisserie chicken from the grocery on the weekend, if I don't feel like roasting one myself. For around $6, it saves time, and maybe even money too. I'll pick the (white) meat from it and if I'm feeling really suzie homemaker-ish, I'll boil the carcass for homemade broth. I actually enjoy just eating the meat…
  • I still take the delicious little chewables, because I abhor swallowing the horse pills that they try to pass off as daily multis for women. And if I abhor doing something, I won't...I don't care how good they say it is. So I figure adorable chewy is better than nothing.
  • Pair wine or liquor with diet / club soda. As for beer, I guess stay on the light side. And just try to plan ahead. I'm not really an alcoholic, though...I just try to keep up with one :)
  • Some weeks it's going to seem like what you're doing isn't working. But I can guarantee (from personal experience) that giving up due to frustration is even more useless. Make the commitment. Find your determination and you'll keep your motivation. Keep putting one foot in front of the other, even when it seems like you're…
  • Well, damn...I just went to upgrade to 2, but it's not compatible with my Galaxy player...which only has Android 2.3.6 or something. And I'm too cheap to pay the monthly fee for a smartphone. Looks like I'm stuck with the original for awhile.
  • Chicken. It's so darn versatile.
  • Scales break. Or the battery makes it go wonky for months before it finally dies. Or they are so sensitive that it will give a false reading due to the uneven-ness of your floor unless you put it in the exact same spot each time. Short point...scales suck. Go with the inches lost, and the size down. That's true progress,…
  • He told me I had less cellulite in my legs once. He's stingy with his compliments, so I cherished that one. Still do, actually). And when I get in his face and scream, "Tell me I'm pretty!!", he tells me I'm pretty. I'm just kidding on that last part.
  • If at all possible, try outdoor running. It is so much more enjoyable than the treadmill. I would seriously rather roll in honey and stake myself naked to an anthill than run on a treadmill. As for the shin pain, in addition to what was said above, make sure your shoes fit correctly and a couple times a day, put your leg…